<MTR> Alligator Rezzer
The <MTR> Alligator Rezzer is part of our role playing combat system. The gators are used to supply free meat to your friends, rpg, or sim that use the <MTR> system. Of course, they fight back.
These Alligators are mesh. You need to use a mesh enabled viewer to see the Alligators properly.
Prims: Eash gator is 7 prims, There are generally 2 gators rezzed, to make a total of 14 prims. The sign is 3 prims. You could have more prims if more gators are rezzed.
*Alligators are Mesh
*Alligators are Animated
*Alligators cause damage
*Rezzer keeps 2 Alligators rezzed
*Alligators attack when an avatar is in range
*You can kill the Alligator and eat the meat.
*When no avatars are around Alligators go back to the rezzer and move less
*Make Rezzer sign invisible
*The alligators have a 15 meter range from the rezzer
How to use the Alligator Rezzer:
1. Find the <MTR> Alligator Rezzer in your inventory.
2. Click/Hold/Drag the Alligator Rezzer from your inventory to a spot on the ground.
3. A sign should rez on the ground.
4. Click the sign to get a Menu.
5. Choose REZ from the Menu to rez deer. You can also make the sign invisible.
6. 3 alligators will rez and stay near the rezzer until an avatar walks within range.
7. You can kill the alligators using the <MTR> HUDs. If an alligator is killed, another will rez within a few minutes of the dead alligator deleting.
8. When an alligator is killed, you can click on some of the body parts to have meat delivered to your inventory.
How to eat the Meat:
1. Find the <MTR> Meat in your inventory. If this is Meat from an animal, it will be delivered to your Objects folder.
2. Rightclick/wear the <MTR> Meat
3. Click the Meat to eat. An animation and sound should play.
4. The Meat has hover text above it, showing the uses. When the uses is 0, rightclick/drop on the Meat, or detach it and delete from inventory.
5. The Meat should delete itself when dropped.
Your health max, or HPmax, will go up everytime you click the food and the animation plays.
See item in Second Life View Video »- Part of the <MTR> Role Play Combat System
- Alligators are Mesh, Animated, and cause damage
- Rezzer keeps 2 gators rezzed
- Gators attack when an avatar is in range
- You can kill the alligators and eat the meat.
A Total Waste !!!
I got this thinking it would be a good attack role play system to use on my sim. And all it did was just pushed us around. If anything I wish I could get a refund. I am not pleased at all.