G Geral

The Silver Abyss Store

The Silver Abyss Store

La Boutique Building Facts:

Land impact is 150 Prims unfurnished but does include Built in displays. lower prim count if they were removed.

Land impact is 256 Prims fully furnished with all hanging hooks and shelves.

Footprint 33 x 34m

It comes in a furnished and unfurnished version.

Note** The build had been created with the textures baked in. What this means is you will not be able to retexture as you would a standard prim.

If you are looking to have different textures on the walls send me an IM and I can send you the shadow maps.

*****Mesh Prefab viewable in-world*****

I have included all Display furniture separately to add to unfurnished unit. All display units are mod/copy but please be aware with linking and unlinking mesh prims that it can increase your prim count.

I have included shadow maps for some of the display pieces.

I have used Caspertech rez system with instruction's as build consists of linked sections.

**Please do not unlink as it will greatly increase land impacts!

The store has full bright turned off as shown in images.The build will look different depending on the environment lighting you use.

The images are shown using in-world lighting "Luna Jubilee - Bright and Sparkly"

**If you want to see the store in world just click on go to store and click on Inworld store. Or choose link below.

If you have any questions or concerns Please send an IM to Skylark Maidstone.

If you have any requests or would like to see the textures changed to suit your needs please don't hesitate to ask.

  • 256 Prims fully Furnished
  • 100% Mesh
  • Easily Customizable
  • Caspertech Rez system
  • Mod Copy
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Great build
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 19/05/2015 por Kaine Braveheart

I customized this place to fit my little shop and Have loved it since I bought it. It has all the right spaces and sections for my little boutique.

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full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 22/02/2015 por Rayne Isenia

I've been looking to upgrade my inworld store and started to grab another shop from Mue when I ended up seeing this one. I checked it out inworld and fell in love. It's just a beautiful as all of the pictures listed here. I had a few questions/issues and Mue was extremely helpful and expeditious. I will definitely continue to purchase from Mue! You cannot go wrong with this Boutique! ♥

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