Welcome to the “Falcon”, a fifth rate "heavy" frigate as might have been seen in service to the navies of the late 18th century. It is no particular historical ship but rather a unique design inspired by its ancestry.
The entire ship is made of handcrafted and all original mesh design. You can walk around the main gundeck, quarterdeck and forecastle. The sitter system allows you to take the helm as well as many other positions around the ship, including gunner, rigging, captain's cabin and bedplace and many more. While only the helmsman can control the rudder, other crewmembers can trim, set and clew the sails or operate the artillery. You can crew-operate the ship or fully control it solo.
The "Falcon" is brought to life by a completely new and highly realistic sailing engine, intended to simulate the experience of handling a square rigger. The sail trim does not only affect the propulsion, but the torque/turning too. It is possible to steer the ship by sails only, as you could do on a real-world full-rigged ship. Furthermore, each sail can be set and clewed individually, giving you full control of the sheet. Wind direction and speed can be set much like in other engines and you can also use WWC wind setting. Real world tallship sailors have described the engine as "just like the real thing".
The ship uses its own unique combat system - it is not SPD compatible! We decided against using SPD and in favor of creating our own system for the fact that our approach does not require you to be in a rez enabled area to work, so you can fight anywhere. Because of the "Falcon's" realistic scale and movement, the available rez enabled areas in current SL oceans would simply be too small to allow for decent combat.
This is the updated version, V1.4:
- Transfer the main HUD to friends and get a crew together.
- Christen the ship and create your own nameplate for it.
- Control the ship's livery with the new Appearance HUD.
- Choose your flag or fly your own.
- Enjoy the ship's improved graphics and performance.
- Updated the Pose Engine.
- Appearance HUD now lets you animate your own flags.
You can rez and sail a demo at our inworld shipyard!
For a quick introductory movie on how to sail our ships, please watch: https://vimeo.com/190382547 (thanks to Donovan Darcy for editing this)
We are determined to deliver a highly realistic and detailed simulation of sailing and fighting at sea with our ship(s) and underlying system.
Technical Specs:
Class: Falcon-class fifth rate frigate
Length: 154 ft. / 46.9 metres (over deck)
Beam: 36 ft. / 11 metres
Draft: 18 ft. / 5.5 metres
Sail plan: Full Rigged Ship
Armament: 44 guns
Upper deck: 28 x 18 pounder guns
Quarterdeck: 8 x 9 pounder guns
Forecastle: 4 x 9 pounder guns
Chasers: 4 x 9 pounder guns (bow and stern)
SL Prims: 246
Land Impact: 512
Design: Niky Niki
Scripts: Karlos (KarlRichard)
Additional Animations created by Alurcha Niekerk and Simonb Barnstormer
We do hope you'll enjoy it. Please also check out our other products at the Inworld Dockyard
Voir l'article dans Second Life Afficher la vidéo view_wishlist: Voir et partager votre liste de souhaits »Fantastic ship, just one small issue
This ship is amzingly detailed and very fun to sail. My only small issue is the constantly shifting wind direction makes it very difficult to sail to desired locations. Perhaps if there was an option to set our desired wind direction? It would make sailing the seas of SL much easier! Regardless I love the ship!
The Perfect ship!
This is by far my favourite ship on the market place. The sailing experience for it is unrivalled (except by other N+K ships). Very customisable with the HUD, you can paint the ship all kinds of colours, change the flag and even ship name by uploading a word texture and using the UUID in this very easy-to-use appearance HUD that comes with the ship.
The ship comes with a combat system too, and unlike other combat systems (like VICE), you do not need to be in a rez zone to battle each other, you can do it in the middle of the Blake! The ship's hull has a health system and will sink if it hits zero, and this isn't just from combat either, if you hit some shallows, you will damage your hull slightly!
And don't let it's huge land impact put you off, so long as you keep your overall scripts low, this ship handles sim crosses far better then you can expect it to. Is easily a 5 star and worth the price tag. For any sailing or history fans, this, and the other N+K ships are the ones to go to!
A Work of Art! And even better: you can sail it! Very realistically, and lag-free!
The beauty of SL objects can be found in their design/originality. And in their looks. And not to forget, in their function!
The beauty of this frigate lies in all of these. It looks very real, up to the cannons, it just sails like a charm! And the design: all the components work together seamlessly! it adds a nice looking intuitive hud and gesture shortcuts that make it all very straightforward to command.
Yes it has a steep learning curve, at least for me. But that is entirely due to the fact that sailing these ships is well...difficult! Instructive video links are provided and that helped me a lot. My sailing is now improving with every trip I make. The ship does not get in the way of this learning process. And once you know how to do it, it is entirely logical (physics right?).
As a conclusion, this ship is a delight! Thanks for making it and I hope to see more such artworks in the future!
Updated review
Even though this is the largest of the N+K ships so far, it is the one that is easiest to sail as a new user because all those sails give you more power and control. Even though the ship is very long, The falcon is perfectly balanced front and back, so It never seems stuck or lurching about. Likewise an expert Captain can pull off some amazing moves given all the options the ship provides. Not ridiculous or unrealistic, but very clever.
Technically, I have never had the ship get returned from a public seaway for being too primmy. It just is not. It's fun to sail the Falcon 40 or 50 sims trouble free, even on weekends where SL can be laggier. Also right now there are more appearance options for the Falcon. like animated flags and national themes.
The user group is some of the nicest people in SL. Someone is on all the time and usually willing to help. Even though the combat system can't be turned off, I have never been forced to fight. Lately all the N+K ships seem to be more sensible about collisions too. Before, even touching a seaweed would cause damage, but now I actually have to strike a solid object. As you can see from the 2016 reviews, the quality of life in these ships have improved steadily.
High Price and prims :( , the most unique and satisfying Tall Ship sailing experience in SL!!!
Lets get the bad out of the way first. As a avid SL sailing enthusiast who has many of the top sailboats I almost knocked 2 stars off. First the price, how can you charge 7500L with no demo? I know the sailing engine is worth it but you don't know what you're getting. Which becomes a leap of faith. Secondly the ship is 512 prims and is way to much for a serious sailboat in SL. If you like to sail all over the place like me you will end up crashing parcels and getting ejected from time to time. I have many hours sailing this ship and have had this happen many times in the Blake Sea area and have confirmed this with other owners. Thirdly it doesn't work with the other popular combat systems so I'll probably never use this in combat :( Fourth, way to many prims for the serious sailor!
Here's the great stuff about it. It crosses sim lines the best one could hope for for being 512 prims and will amaze you. It's the only Tall Ship in SL that sails like it is supposed to making it a very unique sailing simulation experience. You have to like a challenge. Sailing it properly is very satisfying. You can steer the ship with just the sails, its beautiful. The keyboard shortcuts they have created make controlling the ship very intuitive and a easy to manage the sails. The recent addition with the appearance HUD gives the ability to customize the color scheme of the ship making it a much nicer for 7500L, it didn't have this previously. The developers are active, contactable, and friendly.
The sailing engine I feel is the real crown jewel here. The simulator Tallship experience is something completely new to SL which is very satisfying to operate.
The ship looks amazing, very scale and detailed. I really hope they take this sailing engine and offer a much lower prim ship for the sailing enthusiasts.
I will definitely purchase their next release no matter what it is. I am hooked, thank you N+K!!!
Finally not a toy ship!
This frigate has the far most realistic exterior and interior in SL. I was bored by the small boats and the creators who never looked for picture about ship interiors of this era.
I'm waiting excited for the update with the feature of recoloring but sadly the date of its release is stretching months.