**NOYA* updated version - newest release 21 Facial Expressions / Animations for NOYA** Bento Head and Face ROMEE or other BENTO Mesh Heads, it's a hud that is attach to the screen, simply activate with 1 clik a menu pops up and you can choose of the following:
★ Angry EyeBrows
★ Anim Wink
★ Biting Lip
★ Blowing Cheeks
★ Chewing
★ Enlarge Nose
★ Flirty Smile
★ Getting Angry
★ Hint Hint
★ Hint Hint2
★ InPain Sick
★ Kiss
★ Mouth Half Open
★ Mouth Wide Open
★ Really Sad
★ Showing Teeth
★ Showing Tongue Long
★ Sleeping
★ Snarl
★ Stick out tongue short
★ Worried Sad
You can combine multiple buttons for more expressions/animations. this hud overules all priority 4 AO's, but BE AWARE, to stop the animation/expression you have to clik your avatar - appearance - reset - reset skel & Anim.
The ROMEE Female Bento Head and Face is for SALE for only 499L =>
Please check our community standards first before leaving a negative review, Rowan Linden suggest the following :
"If you do have problems, contact the seller first. Give them the opportunity to help you before you post a negative review about the product"
- see description
Do not buy
Do not buy, will completely deform your head. Does not work with all known bento heads.
Bad Animation
Really a terrible thing. The animations are really bad and can only be reset by a relog. Too bad about the 250 linden.
animations look bad, and you have to forcibly stop them with undeform avatar.
This is so terrible
I want my lindens back crappy be to ever I suggest everyone to be Anim Alive Bento it's way better than this bullcrap.
Not only do the animations look bad - there is no way to 'undo' them without relogging. Clicking 'End' simply closes the HUD - the way they morph your face stacks so that you look more and more broken and disfigured with every passing click. Do not buy this product. https://gyazo.com/f5690e22e0039132dcac8681ced40d73 There's what I looked like after clicking the HUD several times. Some of the animations are stupid as well like to make your nose wider... 'Widen Nose' Why?
It took me some days to decide...
I got your Nora avatar so i wanted to give a try to the bento face and use it with your hud.
I most say.. the head of the Bento fits perfectly to the Maitreya Lara body. Since i am a builder and know the challenges for a builder with Meshes, Bentos etc to make.. your product is very well done, the body is nice and the head too. It comes with a shape, and the advantages of it is that you can modify your shape to fit the face or the body exactly with the features you want. Now talking about this hud... I was worried about the bad reviews, but… BUT i gave it a try, and definetelly LOVED the hud. Since I had no Bento heads before, so, this is my first time using a Bento hud for a head. The expressions are much fun, i had a blast looking the avatar expressions that come with the hud. I read in another comments and reviews that some dislike the hud and they give a bad review, i just can say NO, THIS IS NOT A BAD HUD! The animations work properly and give the face the expressions :D :D if you dislike much an especific expression...the solution is simply do not use it! and for stop the expressions you have to clik your avatar - appearance - reset - reset skel & Anim. I think the instructions on this are very clear. I definetelly will use it due to the lack of animations my Avi’s face had before when i had not that hud. This Worth the price for what you get, also, the Bento avatar and head, compared with those expensieve Bentos out there which are very difficult to afford for some people in SL just because they are very expensieve. I most say congrats to the builder! And thank you so much for the fun! Please, Please Make more make-ups for the Bento heads! Maybe a combo of makeups with more options, i love that your prices are affordable and if we want to continue using your products that would be nice! Also if you think on upgrade the hud in the future, just think on us the costumers who bought it to get the upgrade. Many thanks again and please keep going :D :D :D