NS Birch all seasons (animated branches)
By: NS Soaring lark
This was built with great care and love with romantics and dreamers in mind.
With animation of branches and without animation
Land Impact: 2
with animation of branches and without animation
HUD - 5 textures
The set provides two options for trees with animation and without, as well as two options for HUD, with alpha mask and without. This will help you avoid dissolving the leafef if there is an alpha texture in the background on another subject.
I highly recommend you come to the store, see the trees with your own eyes. This will make you more confident that this is the right choice.
High quality textures and materials used on all decorations and buildings for 100% satisfaction.
I always feel compelled to build houses as comfortable and attractive as possible at an affordable price.
My products are designed with the hope that you will love them and use them to beautify your Second Life!
Please consult the included notecard for instructions.
If you require assistance , I will be happy to help.
I will be gladly reading your comments!
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Limited Purchase License Agreement.
(All the products components, and elements in this package should NOT be sold, given away, or shared.)
Русские березки!!!
Нет ничего прекрасней русских березок все сезоны . Они прекрасны!!!