G General

Old New York: 58 Pearl St. BIS

Old New York: 58 Pearl St. BIS

[Schultz Bros.] 58 Pearl St. (w/ Built in snow)
From the 1920's New York Project.

58 Pearl St. [31 LI]
58 Pearl St. BIS [34 LI] <--built in snow. HUD compatible.
Schultz Bros. Snow HUD

**HUD effects any other BIS item in shout radius**
*Superb LOD's. *Very Low Land Impact
*Realistic baked shadows. *Large retail shop space
*Large apartment w/ separated / walk-through rooms & bathroom space.
*100% Handmade Mesh
*Working chimney smoke (touch top center for on /off)
*New York fire escape. (turning physics on will increase LI).
*Private shop entry. *Private apartment tenant entry
*Built-in front window product displays
*Re-texture-able apartment unit
*Copy / Modify. Some scripts may be no mod.

Buildings Dimensions: 10.7 x 18.00 meters (this includes the fire escape)
Land Impact: 31. Copy / Modify / NO Transfer

Tips on retexturing:

Shop Interior: Not as easy to retexture. If you're going to retexture the wallpaper,
i'd recommend setting it to planar, 0.25 x 0.25 & something seamless.
Floors & ceiling are set to their own uv face, but will required adjusting.

Apt: 100% Easily re-textured & mapped for re-texturing.

Exteriors & Literally everything else: Not recommended.

*WARNING!* All other textures use custom uv mapping & LOD's.
Trying to re-texture them, especially the brick & front, will cause unexpected results.
As well as lose all baked lighting on those textures.

Thank you for your purchase,

All building updates are free,
if any are made, they will be delivered to you automatically.
Any questions or concerns, as always, don't hesitate to contact me.

-Jogi Schultz
Schultz Bros. Owner

Building viewable in-world

See item in Second Life
  • Superb LOD's
  • Very Low Land Impact
  • Shop & Apartment space
  • 100% Handmade Mesh
  • Fire escapes
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 1 star:
Excellent work
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 11, 2018 by JohnIsaacShaft

Old work feel at a reasonable and satifing price

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Great attention to detail and prim count
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 04, 2017 by Greg Voxel

Schultz offers a great selection of period buildings with lots of detail and realism, which is all too rare and hard to find in SL. Clearly on par with the likes of Apple Fall, Fanatik and Dust Bunny. Good work!

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