[Schultz Bros.] 73 Pearl St. BIS (built in snow).
From the 1920's New York Project.
111 LI. c/m
# V1.1 Fixes: Top Cornice fix, added missing glass.
Free Update to Built in snow.
# ***Attention! This corner building has a unique size
: [see photos]
73 Pearl St. V1.1 [111 LI]
73 Pearl St. V1.1 BIS [130 LI] <--- Built in Snow on & off w/ HUD.
Schultz Bros. Snow HUD
1. Wear the [Schultz Bros.] Snow HUD (included).
2. Click HUD to toggle snow on / off. Done.
***---> CAUTION!<---****
Schultz Bros. Snow HUD, WILL change every other Schultz Bros.
'built in snow' (BIS) item within SHOUT range that you have rezzed.
History: 73 Pearl Street was both New York's
first dutch house of entertainment in Manhattan,
and later New York's first city hall building. (scandelous, i know...)
The build has been recreated with a large shop space,
and decoy floors on all other floors.
*Unique size / Corner building
*Vintage flickering lamps (side)
*Superb LOD's.
*Low Land Impact
*Realistic baked shadows
*Large retail shop space
*100% Handmade Mesh
*Great shop visibility.
*Multiple shop entrances
*Authentic NY design
*Copy / Modify
#Buildings Dimensions: 9.5 x 23.24
---> This includes sidewalk & lamps jetting out <----
#Land Impact: 111. Copy / Mod / NO Transfer
#Tips on re-texturing:
Shop Interior: Floors, ceiling & wallpaper should be easy to retexture.
Note: Retexturing the floor will lose the baked shadowing
Exteriors & Literally everything else: Not recommended.
*WARNING!* All other textures use custom uv mapping & LOD's.
Trying to re-texture them, especially the brick & front, will cause unexpected results.
As well as lose all baked lighting on those textures.
Thank you for your purchase,
All building updates are free,
if any are made, they will be delivered to you automatically.
Any questions or concerns, as always, don't hesitate to contact me.
-Jogi Schultz
Schultz Bros. Owner
- 100% Handmade Mesh
- Very strong LOD's
- Flickering Vintage Lamps
- Corner building
- Unique size
Great work and style
You see it you will love it
Great attention to detail and prim count
Schultz offers a great selection of period buildings with lots of detail and realism, which is all too rare and hard to find in SL. Clearly on par with the likes of Apple Fall, Fanatik and Dust Bunny. Good work!
A city must have !
If you're building a downtown or city, you need this building. It's modeled after a 1920s building, but with its clean looks, and classic styling it will fit in many different styles. It is a useable one-story building, the other 5 stories of the building are for looks, There are separate faces for retexturing the building, it is very easy to change the brick as you see fit. It is possible to make rooms out of them with some light modding as long as you don't need doors or stairs. As of writing this, there is an inworld store where you can see it in person.