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Peach Pudding & Spoon & Animation

Peach Pudding & Spoon & Animation

You love the soft taste of pudding in your mouth? You do not want to get fat? - Take Rita's! I guarantee you, you will not add the slightest part to your weight by consuming my pudding.

It looks tasty, doesn't it? I added peach aroma to it and put sume chocolate crisp on its top.

It comes with a spoon which includes the eating animation. The spoon is copy and transfer, so you can hand it to your friends and place the pudding on the table for your friend.

The pudding is copy and modify. Case you want to color it differently and suggest a different taste.

Good hunger!
Rita Munro

  • Peach Pudding & Spoon & Animation
  • eatin animation plays on wearing the spoon
  • nice pudding which will keep you slim
  • no sculpted spoon of old building art
  • ony 3 prims
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Not a spoon animation!
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 02, 2011 by Abbi Zipper

I bought this product for the spoon animation but it is very clearly an animation of cutting with a fork and knife! Boo! Wasted Lindens. (PS-you cannot post your review unless you select at least one star.)

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