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Pinball Wizardly's Playable Starbattle Pinball

Pinball Wizardly's Playable Starbattle Pinball

Fully playable pinball table with realistic flippers, sounds and player animations.

An exciting 3 ball game featuring an alien raider attack.
Hit the seven alien raiders, to advance the multiplier.
Also, hit the hyper jump target to collect jump bonuses.

Check that no other object obstructs the table. The ball hitting an object that is not part of the table will cause a TILT.
Check for text above the back board. If present, the game is set to award a prize.
If the game price is set, right click the object, select 'Pay' and pay the amount specified.
Right click the pose ball and sit to play (if you paid to play, you will have 60 seconds to sit for your game).

Round Bumpers:
2 blue, 100 points each (times multiplier).
1 red, 250 points each (times multiplier).
Raider Multiplier Targets:
7 moving raider targets, 1000 points each (times multiplier).
Hit all 7 targets up to 5 times gives bonus of 100,000 points (times multiplier) and advances multiplier.
Hit all 7 targets 6 or more times gives bonus of 1,000,000 each time.
Hyper Jump Target
Hit the hyper jump for a bonus of 100,000 points (times number of jumps).

Please join group for help from other players: Pinball Wizardly's Playable Pinball


Rez on flat ground. (Rotation on X and Y axis must be 0.0).
Ensure no other object obstructs the table play area.
Touch (Left Click) the back board, above the score info, for Owner Menu (See Below).
Select [Table ON] to enable play with default settings.
If anyone other then the owner clicks the back board, they will receive this note card.

Prim cost is 28 + 1 when ball is in play.


[Pay(L$) Menu] Select price and payout options (See below).
[Reset High] Reset the high score. High scores are kept for each skill level.
[Table ON / OFF] Toggle the table ON or OFF.
[Skill Level] Change skill level (See below).
[Instructions] Get this information notecard.
[Cancel] Close menu.
[Help] Say button description in chat. (Use this if you wear a translator).

Pay(L$) Menu.

Allows setting the game price to be paid to play, and prize options. Both are optional.
If you set a prize, it will be paid to each player who sets a new high score.
Set Timed Payout, to only pay the prize to the high scorer, at the end of the time you set.
A Timed Payout will start when you turn the table ON.
You can set a starting high score and a maximum high score.
If maximum score is reached, high is reset back to the start score.

Changes on this menu are set when selecting [SAVE].
If Timed Payout is already started, it will be reset if changes are saved.

[Game Price] Set the game 'pay to play' price.
[Prize] L$ amount to payout.
[Accounting] Account information menu. (See Below).
[Timed Payout] Pay high scorer after a time period.
[Timed Reset] Reset started timed payout.
[Pay Pending] Pay and reset current high scorer.
[Start Score] Starting high score.
[Max Score] Maximum high score, forces payout and reset if beaten.
[Contest On/Off] Connect or disconnect contest board. Sold separately. (See Contest Board Information).
[Cancel] Close menu without saving changes.
[SAVE] Save changes.
[Help] Say button description in chat. (Use this if you wear a translator).


Shows amount paid in and out, giving profit or loss.
Set Stop on Loss amount to turn table off after a loss of an amount that you set,
Save transaction details for each amount paid in or out.
Changes on this menu are set when selected and do not require saving.

[Details Y/N] Set Yes or No, to save transaction details.
[List Details] Say details to owners chat.
[Clear Details] Clear all saved transaction details.
[Stop On Loss] Set loss amount. If exceeded, turn table off.
[Reset P/L] Reset profit/loss. Clears paid in and out.
[Cancel] Close menu.
[Pay(L$) Menu] Back to Pay(L$) Menu.
[Help] Say button description in chat. (Use this if you wear a translator).

Skill Level.

Each click rotates the current level through LOW, MID, HIGH and NUTS.
Each skill level has its own high score and Pay(L$) settings.
Skill level can not be changed while a player sits or Timed Payout option has started
Changing skill level will disconnect the table from a contest board.

Try these tables and my other pinball tables in Second Life® at my Pinball Playground.

See item in Second Life
  • Fun, realistic, playable pinball table.
  • Pay to play option.
  • Prize payout for High Score option.
  • Cheat protection. Object blocking the ball causes a TILT
  • 4 Skill levels.
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 3 star:
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  • 1 star:
It's a shame these tables aren't in every 80's club... this one in specific
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 04, 2020 by NikolaosSakamoto

Look.. this isn't your regular pinball table. It's just not. You're in a weird-ass hybrid of "Pinball vs enemy fighters" world. They move and shoot.. they can;t really hurt you, but they can still make you lose your ball. You need to angle your shots and try to anticipate their movements to take them out. screwing up? Aim for the warp point and cross your fingers about nudging the table to get the stragglers. Like all Wizardly tables you will need to learn your lag. There is no "one size fits all" timing.. but i promise you there IS a timing for you.


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Very impressed!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 24, 2012 by Kayotic Tiger

This is a very good table, and handles really well. Was way better than I expected for only 800L

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