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Programmable Victorian Policeman

Programmable Victorian Policeman

Autobots are prim based human characters aimed to aid roleplay or entertainment sims, or for assistance in shops and so on.

Firstly what don't they do ? They don't breed, need feeding or have 'rares' :-)

I supply several types of autobot. They are generally made for low prim and script usage and my most complex type are the programmable types such as this one.

To program the movements you first need to wear the autobot (it will connect to the stomach), wait a few seconds for it to give the message "Starting Point recorded".

Now walk along the path you wish the autobot and it will be recorded. All movements, waits and turns are remembered.

Whilst recording, you may click on the autobot at any point you wish it to wait for a while and this will also be recorded, giving the message "Waiting Point recorded".

Finally at the end point take the autobot off and you should get the message "End Point recorded".

Now rez the autobot in the same area as the recording was made. It will quickly move to the start point and then walk along the path you have shown it.

At the start and the end it will wait for a random time before turning round and continuing,
At the intermediate waiting points it will also wait for a random time but may choose to continue or turn back.

Whilst the autobot is still, there is a menu of options which you can get by clicking on it. Unlike my other bots you need to wait for them to stand still until the menu is available. Note that the menu is not available if they are bowing to you so please let them walk on until they stop of their own accord.

Walk Speed : Sets the speed the autobot moves around.

Wait Time : Sets the approximate time it waits at the start, end and intermediate waiting points.

Face Me : Makes the autobot face you when it is still

Name : Sets the name of the autobot to anything you wish. Select this and then say the name on the chat channel within 30 seconds.

Hair : Sets the colour of the hair

Sensitivity : Sets the maximum distance any avatar must be from the autobot for it to recognise them and acknowledge them.

Curtsey, Stand, Push, Bow, Deep Bow and Prostrate select the acknowledgement the autobot will take when it comes near to an avatar. Generally maids or ladies in waiting might curtsey, titled ladies may just stand still but some princesses may decide to just brush pass any body in the way.

You can see this type of bots walking around my in-worlds shop - look at my Alisha Ultsch profile and select the Autobots pick to find the largest display of them.

If you have ideas for any variants I don't have then please send me a note and I'll see what I can do.

Best wishes

See item in Second Life
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 28, 2013 by Brett Velinov

This is by far the best bot I have, he is so easy to set up.

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