G General

Ruby Garden Cottage(72LI, 25x17)

Ruby Garden Cottage(72LI, 25x17)

Ruby Garden Cottage is a small double-storey home with landscaping. It has a 4m high wall and open-spaced concept.

Ruby Small Cottage 45LI
Ruby Cottage Flower Garden1 with Birdhouse 11LI
Ruby Cottage Flower Garden2 7LI
Trees Landscape for Ruby Cottage with Base 17LI

Cottage and Landscape combined is 72LI with a 25x17 base.

I have made Ruby Garden Cottage in a REZZER and also separate the house and landscaping without rezzer.

They are all copy, no mmod, no transfer and partial mesh. As added bonus, the birdhouse has chirping bird songs and a little bird perched on it.

Some scripts are no mod.
Hope you like!

Please see the demo http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bresimo/253/4/3006