Sandlewood (Boxed)

by KayZee Creations
This house contains partial mesh.
• Footprint approximately 21x26
• Prims = 138
Welcome to the Sandlewood. This lovely home will be perfect for a family or couple that likes to decorate and settle down. It has 2+ bedrooms
• Working Porch Light
• Working Door Bell
• Windows are on a controller that you can darken them for privacy.
The doors can be locked. Instructions are available within the contents of each door.
This house has been packaged using the Rez Faux system. This provides easy placement and final adjustments are easy and quick. Please read the instructions provided in the package. The build is copy/mod so you can edit it without the worry. You will always have a copy in your inventory should anything go wrong.
Thank you for your interest in KayZee Creations.
Love the home
Love this home is perfect for me :)