[.Shuggles.] Sculptor FULL PERM Version 0.61

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The Sculptor script can change the sculptmap on an object or linked prim. On touch, it
opens a menu letting you change the parameters. You can choose between changing the whole
object or only the touched prim. The default prim can be configured in the script, the
target selection can be disabled. You can also specify that certain parameters are only
to be applied to specific prims (by name or link number).

There are several script variants with a different feature set. Please make sure you buy
the correct one:

- Colorizer: coloring
- Texturizer: texturing
- Sculptor: sculptmap changer
- Lighter: light changer
- Coverizer: all of the above and fullbright, glow, shininess

All parameters can be configured in a config notecard containing the word "mpMenuConfig"
somewhere in its name; a description and examples are included. The script now uses fast
synced notecard reading, so reading it is almost instant now. If no config notecard can
be found, sculptmaps are read from the object's inventory.

Texture names are automatically shortened to 24 characters. They should be no longer than
~14 characters so they can be displayed completely in the menu. If linked prims other
than the one the script is in shall be textured, the textures must be copy and transfer
due to an SL limitation.

Sculptmap texture names also need to start with "$" to be recognized as sculptmaps. This
can be changed by modifying the global constant SCULPT_PREFIX, however.

On long touch (one second), it opens the options menu where you can select the access
level (all, group, friends, owner) and reset the script.

Touch to open a menu can be configured to only work when no avatar is sitting on the
object. This makes it usable together with sitting scripts which only display a menu for
selecting poses if an avatar is seated.

The menu can also be opened as a submenu for another script, e.g. AVsitter, by letting
that script send a link message with a configurable name.

If the object's name contains the word "DEMO", the script is usable by everyone, not just
the owner. Additionally, it displays a floating text using the object's description.

The Sculptor script is full perm. It's licensed under the BSD license with the addition
that it must not be resold or otherwise given away standalone in parts or as whole. It
can be used in your creations as long as these license conditions are met.
Please use the original scripts, keeping script name and creator intact, and remember to
change script permissions to copy or transfer only before you put your products on sale.

To update or redeliver a product, wear the included Updater and follow the instructions.
Store policies and info about custom scripting at my MP store and the inworld terminals.

See item in Second Life



  • Sculptmap changer
  • Per object and linked prim
  • Menu-driven, multi-page, access control
  • Low lag, listen on touch with timeout
  • Full perm, BSD license

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Sold by: Shuichi Shinji
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  • Permissions:
    Copy Modify Transfer User Licensed
    See product details for permissions info
  • Automatic redelivery