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Starbase Clone Vats [13 prims] Version 1

Starbase Clone Vats [13 prims]

Starbase Clone Vats [13 prims]

- Unique Starbase module with clone vats included
- Three clone vats, with moving fluids, gas emissions
- Three humanoid mesh figures
- Pulsing internal glass pipes
- Computer screen with animated displays
- Lockable sliding bulkhead door

So, it's true. Starbase Command have finally sanctioned the use of Clone Vats. Now YOU can take control of this top secret section of the Starbase, deigned with intense sci-fi RP in mind.

The clone vats are contained in a modified windowless Starbase module, fitted with nutrient pipes running both along the inside and over the exterior. There's a single entrance bulkhead door that slides open or shut on touch and it can be secured by typing 'lock' or 'unlock' by the owner. On one side is a Magno-Bolt magnetic locking plate where the Vats themselves can be aligned to the wall with a single touch on the plate.

At the rear, by the wall-mounted pipes, there is a high-tech animated computer display screen that flashes with status level updates and urgent warning messages.

The Vats
There are are three glass cylinders, each containing a part-grown humanoids form. The figures in each vat are at a different development stage, ranging from newly-formed bipedal through to almost full-grown maturity. The humanoids are in a suspension of nutrient fluids that you can actually see swirling around. There's a pale green gas emission (or is it a leak?) which seems to cloud around the rear. It's probably coming from those pulsing glass pipes that run across the top of the Vats. There's also some glass pipes situated behind the Vats that are circulating a glowing phosphorescent energy plasma. No idea what that stuff is being used for. The humanoids are low impact, highly detailed mesh objects to keep the land impact to a minimum.

The Three Clone Vats accessory is attached by the "touch to align" Magno-Bolt Plates. Rez the Vats inside the module, touch the Vat plate then the wall mounted plate, and watch as they align themselves together. The Clone Vats accessory is a total of 22 prims and is included with this purchase.

All the Exosphere starbase modules can easily be joined together by simply touching their bulkhead door frames. They'll move themselves into place and align themselves automatically. This module comes with free bulkhead end caps so you can make this into a separate stand-alone module, or you can join it to others to form part of a larger base.

And post some guards on the door! This place can be controversial!

  • Unique Starbase module
  • Three clone vats, with moving fluids, gas emissions
  • Three humanoid mesh figures
  • Pulsing internal glass pipes, computer screen with animated displays
  • Lockable sliding bulkhead door
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 02, 2016 by mirror Lodenwald

When you step in the room first you will think those are avatars there inside Clone tubes :D they look very real! :) Wonderful Job! :)

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