[TERATO] Earwig Tail
a tail for nasty little guys who like to skitter around on kitchen floors and under bath mats!
the TERATO earwig tail is fully bento rigged and primarily designed with modders in mind! there are !!!!NO!!!! animations or scripts included with this tail, you'll need your own tail animations!
- 1x bento mesh earwig tail
- 1x natural earwig tail texture
- UV map, shading, normal map, and specular map textures for the earwig tail (all full perm)
*other tail animations may work, but some may also deform the tail oddly. there is nothing i can do about this, it is just the nature of rigged mesh and third party animations from different creators. experiment to see what works best for you!
please message gremlinkisser Resident via IM FIRST before you leave reviews with questions or concerns! i don't respond to negative reviews, but i'm more than happy to help via IM! thanks!!
ITEM IS CHEAPER INWORLD: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Deopyre/16/76/4019
See item in Second LifeEasily one of my favorite tails
I love the creativity that comes out of TERATO, and as much as I HATE Earwigs in real life, this is GREAT for my awful monsters.
If I had one critique, it's that I underestimated how small the tail is when put on larger avatars. Would it be possible for future updates to include a couple extra sizes please?
Over-all, very satisfied. TERATO continues to supply solid meshes, fantastic texturing, and innovative, unique designs you really just won't find anywhere else.