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Teegle Horse Avatar Version 1.0

Teegle Horse Avatar

*Woah, stop! This is a horse avatar! Buy this horse only if you want to BE a horse! If you want to HAVE a horse, look for the Teeglepet Animesh horse (currently available only in-world at the Teegle Main Store)*

This is a bento avatar! It requires a bento viewer to work!

Demo video (recorded 4 weeks before completion of the avatar) available here:
Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCOlWA8eAuQ&t=21s
Q&A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73jP2przn9o&t=12s
Customer review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90WCGJ9nv8Y

This avatar will turn you into a horse, instead of a human. This is NOT a rideable attachment like you might expect from a breedable horse and should not be purchased unless you intend to BE a horse.

This avatar includes:
- Full rigged mesh English tack set with:
--- Fitted saddlepad
--- English saddle
--- English bridle with noseband
--- Stirrups up or down options

- 4 starter textures (Bay, Black, Grey, Chestnut) with:
--- Face and leg marking options
--- 2 paint bodies
--- 1 appaloosa body

- Full AO with:
--- 5 stand animations
--- Walk, Trot, Canter, Gallop
--- Head turning left and right when you turn, with no interruption to legs
--- Grazing crouch and crouchwalk
--- Fly, "Swim", Jump
--- Independent facial and tail standing animation configuration

- A fully rigged and articulating face with:
--- 13 expressive facial animations
--- Talking animation that looks like real talking!
--- 5 looping facial animations
--- Options for playing with bit while riding

- A flexible neck
--- Neck can bend and flex like a real horse
--- Lots of neck poses to choose from for photos and RP
--- Neck and head individually poseable for more options!

- A rigged and animated mesh mane and tail
--- Mane and tail move realistically in everything the horse does!
--- Tail can be posed in one of 4 poses from "down" to "flagged

- Custom-poseable face, ears, tongue, head, neck, and tail
--- Slider-controlled animations to put your ears more forward or back, neck more left or right, etc!
--- 35 neck poses
--- 25 head poses
--- 13 poses for each ear
--- 13 tongue poses
--- 6 eyelid states
--- 4 tail states
--- 5 jaw states

- Tons of shape options!
--- Includes Arabian, Andalusian, Draft, Pony, and more
--- Head can be made dished, roman, or flat through shape sliders
--- Ears can get bigger or smaller through ear sliders
--- Whole body can get taller or shorter within reason (~small horse - draft size)

- Complex riding system
--- Up to 3 human avatars can ride your horse avatar at a time
--- Walk, Trot, Canter, and Gallop with smooth left and right head turning
--- Left and Right lead change options
--- Rider can lead beside horse at a walk or trot
--- Spook, Buck, and Rear with rider
--- Rider can reward you with a pat
--- Swim with rider in LL water
--- Jump at lower height - more realistic than sl "superjump"
--- Fly with rider

- Simple texturing and tinting of body, mane, tail, shine, and tattoo
--- Texture your whole body with a click of a button
--- Tint your whole body, whole tattoo layer, eyes, etc all through the hud
--- Third party texture developer kits freely available

- Choice of normal mapped musculature
--- No normal map, Light muscles, or Heavy muscles all included in hud

- Customize more, less, or no coat shine from HUD

- Alpha show and hide features from HUD
--- Show/hide individual body parts or whole body for skin and tattoo layers

- Alpha masking/alpha blending swap from HUD
--- Change the alpha masking/alpha blending settings on your mane, tail, and tattoo with a single click to avoid clipping

- Unrigged halter

- Rider communication RP tool
--- Give a copy to your rider, and they can communicate to you which direction they would like to go while you steer

- Easy addition of new animations and sounds
--- Animation and sound applier pack freely available to creators, will add new animations and sounds straight into your hud!

- Free creator tools available, including UV maps, texture bases, rigging and animation dummies, and video tutorials

- Integration with existing BC horse skin textures
--- Hundreds of horse textures that you can still enjoy in a new generation of horse avatars!

To see this avatar, you must use a Second Life Bento Project viewer. Bento viewers are available from Linden Lab and Firestorm and can be downloaded from their respective download pages. (Look for version 5.0+ on both viewers)

Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Still the best Equine Avatar
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 04, 2022 by MsMinaMco

Even with the release of all the Teeglepets & Teeglepet avatars, The standard is still the best investment price wise.It offers an animation hud that does not come with the Teeglepets/Teeglepet Avatars, and there is a large selection on the marketplace for modifications to dress up an make your pony unique unlike the Teeglepet/pet avatar varients.

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Love the avatar; salty about the price update
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 14, 2022 by HarleyKaninchen

What it says on the tin, basically. This is an absolutely gorgeous avatar and I've had...probably too long to figure that out by now. It just kind of sucks that the price was dropped by L$1.5k after many of us bought it at L$5k. That's kind of a blow. Gotta roll with it, though.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 16, 2021 by Soanos Pacer

Neiigh neigh *snort* huff.

(Translation: I am hoers.)

But jokes aside, it is a fun avatar for all sorts of equestrian RP. The HUD is a little clunky sometimes and can be laggy on busy sims but generally it is quite fun to play as.

Overall it fits my needs, but I do wish the base avatar had a bit more animations instead of me having to resort to third party anims.

However I think the riding system could use a major overhaul as it is very janky sometimes.

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The price update is GREAT: Good Avy
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 01, 2021 by kiertorin

For as long as the avy has been out and the competition out there for bento feral avatars, I am very impressed to see the update in the avatar price. Good animations and good updates coming to it from what I have heard as well. Good job guys!

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Horsing Around
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 14, 2020 by BoofDawg

Its SO well made, from the animations to the textures. This has lots if support from the community, so if your not happy with say the default skins, some stores have freebies! Love my horse, whenever I can't decide what avi I want to wear for the day, I just put this on. The horses mouth even moves while on voice; that's a B I G plus for me cuz I'm on mic a lot.

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Way limited
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted April 09, 2020 by MarcusBarleycorn

Riding system is in DIRE need of upgrading. Can only ride where you can rez. When changing from horse to human you have to physically change the shape to human. The animation overrides get stuck, The horse takes an unusual amount of time to go into an animation...... Totally NOT worth 5000L

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