**NOTE: This version has a Limited Distribution license that allows you to set next owner permissions to copy or transfer, but not both. An optional Unlimited Distribution license is available in world that allows you to set next owner permissions to both copy and transfer.
** Now includes an example magazine (SCORE Magazine) that was created by FlyKugin using The Creative Publisher **
The Creative Publisher is a set of scripts, documentation (including an interactive tutorial made with The Creative Publisher), tools, and an empty starter book that enables you to create and publish interactive catalogs, magazines, books, newsletters, advertisements, event announcements, tutorials, training manuals, brochures, or anything else your mind can dream up. The publications you create can be extensively customized via notecards to give your customers a unique shopping or learning experience. The Creative Publisher Kit includes everything you need to create and distribute your own publications, other than the offline graphics programs you probably already have (e.g. PhotoShop, Gimp, PowerPoint, etc.). Nothing extra to buy to make distributable copies.
Key features of The Creative Publisher include many that are not found in any other book/magazine publishing systems
- Page textures can be specified by texture name, uuid, or encrypted uuid (with optional encryption accessory).
- You can show web media on a page by replacing texture name/uuid with the URL of the web page.
- TouchPoint technology that allows you to define as many touch-triggered actions per page as you want.
- Each page can have a unique set of touch-triggered actions.
- You can also define right and left tabs with touch-triggered actions that apply to the entire publication.
- Choose any combination of the following touch-triggered action types for any page and/or tab:
* PAGE: Turn directly to next, previous, first, last, or any specific page.
* MENU: Pops up a menu box with up to 12 buttons you define. Buttons can trigger any other action type.
* TP: Teleports the user directly to a specified landmark.
* INFO, LM or OBJ: Gives the user a notecard, landmark or object.
* REZ/REZ_WORLD: Rez an object.
* SOUND. Plays a sound.
* SERVER: Gives the user an item from an NDS Server (sold separately)
* URL: Pops up a "Go to page" web link.
* PROFILE: Display a popup with a link to the specified avatar's profile.
* ONLINE: Displays the online/offline status of the specified avatar.
* EMAIL: Allows user to send an email to the specified address.
* JOIN: Displays link to your SL Group where they can join.
* SUBSCRIBE: Sends a subscribe request to your Subscriber Kiosk.
* UNSUBSCRIBE: Sends an unsubscribe request to your Subscriber Kiosk.
* HEIGHT: Allows user to change the size of the publication.
* OPEN or CLOSE: Opens or closes the publication.
* RESTART: Restarts the publication in the default configuration.
* HIDE: (HUD only). Minimize the publication. Touch to restore normal view.
Your publication can be worn as a HUD or rezzed on the ground. Users simply touch a page or tab in one of the touch sensitive areas (called TouchPoints) you set up to trigger an associated action (see list above). For example, they can touch to be teleported directly to an associated landmark. Direct teleporting is a better way to get customers into your store or venue than simply giving them a landmark that can get lost in their inventory, although you can set a TouchPoint to deliver a landmark if you prefer. The publications you create can be sold or given others with either copy OR transfer permissions (Limited Distribution License), or both copy AND transfer permissions (Unlimited Distribution License).
The Creative Publisher Kit also includes a detailed tutorial that provides a step-by-step guide to creating your own interactive publications. Since this tutorial was made with The Creative Publisher, it also serves as an example of how to implement most of the features listed above. Please study this tutorial carefully before trying to create your own publication. It will save you a great deal of time. You can also get just Tutorial/Demo free before you decide whether or not to buy the full kit. See Related Items.
The following optional accessories are also available and are sold separately:
- Texture Encryptor: Provides encrypted uuids for your textures to prevent users from accessing them.
- Page Organizer HUD: An interactive HUD that shows page thumbnails and allows you to cut, paste, copy, and insert page textures and list texture uuids (with or without encryption).
- Networked Distribution System (NDS) Server/Remote
NOTE: Also available at a discount in The Creative Publisher Combo package exclusively at the Subscriber Kiosk Showroom in-world. Click on "See item in Second Life" link below.
See item in Second Life- Complete publishing system
- Highly customizable, unlimited pages
- Optional texture encryption (sold separately)
- Direct touch-to-teleport and 22 other touch actions
- Custom TouchPoints, tabs and popup menus
Excellent product, great service 5 stars all round
This is an excellent product. The creator is always quick to reply to messages asking for help. Highly recommend this to anyone wanting to create their own instruction book, magazine or novel. Thank you Fred for your help.
I like it!
I was lucky to buy it. At first it was scary that I would not understand. But the creator helped me to make the book I wanted. There are so many features in this Publisher that you can realize any dream! You can make any links, any form, beautiful buttons, any pictures. This is a luxury product. If you are looking for something to make your book or magazine, then I recommend it!
Thank you so much Creator for quick answers and help. I am very happy to use your product.
The best choice
The best book I've found, and unfortunately I bought several before I found this one. It has many useful functions, offers the opportunity to encrypt textures and great customer service. Without a doubt the best choice.
This system is by far the best book publishing solution out there! I can say that with authority as I have purchased nearly all systems out there, including the most expensive one on the market. This system beats it hands down! I would seriously consider buying this if you are looking to create a book you wish to sell. For those wanting to publish a free catalog/book/magazine to send out with copy/trans, he offers an additional license to do so. Moreover, his customer service is simply OUTSTANDING!