Town Plaza Skybox ~Mesh~ Version 13
1 prim
1) Through the magic of mesh, this themed skybox counts as only 1 prim on your land impact even when stretched to it's maximum size of 64M.
2) Great for personal use, or if you happen to rent, one or more of the themes would be a great start to setting up your rentals for lots of different tastes to cater to all.
3) The skybox comes with a pre-textured 360 degree interior theme and most of the exterior is textured with a neutral skin rather than a base black like so many others use to better blend into the Second Life skies above. Only the top face is textured with a sand look, I like to make use of all spaces as much as possible.
Just add some palm trees and a fire and you have a beach like hang out above. Although being Modify, you can choose to re-texture the inside and outside anyway you wish.
4) As an extra, I added an extra platform dividing the interior into 2 levels, again being modify, you can unlink and delete the extra platform or move it down if you prefer. The platform just breaks up the space nicer I thought, especially when you are using it at the 64M maximum size, giving you basically a top and sub level or dungeon if you prefer. The extra platform is also scripted with 22 extra floor designs for a bit more variety and may work for any texture scheme of your own that you may want to add.
5) The Skybox is delivered at 30M, but as mentioned can be resized to a maximum of 64M while still maintaining it's 1 prim on your Land impact.
6) Includes Teleporters as a gift if you do not have your own TP system
Modify / Copy / No Transfer
(Teleporters are No Modify / Copy / No Transfer)
1) Please read note card FULLY before attempting to rez.
2) Please be sure to wear your land group tag when rezzing this item or you may lose your purchase. When you receive the boxed item, the box will say No Copy, however once rezzed and taken back into inventory, you will than have a boxed copy of your purchase if the item was a Copy Item.
3) This is a Modify / Copy item and you may rezz as many copies as you like, you will also be able to modify them without the fear of ruining your initial purchase as long as you keep a copy of the original purchase.
4) To set up, just place the rezzor at the height you want your skybox, than choose Build. Once rezzed, you can move your skybox by moving the rezzor for any adjustments, choose DONE once you are happy with the positioning, that will freeze your build. The Ground TP will rezz with the skybox, so just take it back into inventory and than add it to your land below and allow a few minutes for all the teleporters to sync up.
5) You must have land rights or visit a sandbox to rezz this item.
WORKS OF WONDER - Just a little spot to add to the magic that is the Second Life community through our thoughts, dreams and wonderment......We now have a small in-world store in Tamura so that many of our works may be seen up close and tested before being purchased. Thank you all for your interest and patronage in our products.
We hope that you enjoy the products you have purchased from us and continue to come back to visit in the future. Please do not hesitate to add a rating and review to let us know what you think of your purchase. If you have any issues, questions or requests just send a note card to Connor71. I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
Again we thank you for your patronage....
See item in Second Life- 1 prim on your land impact even when stretched to it's maximum size of 64M
- Great for personal use or for rental unit set ups
- The skybox comes with a pre-textured 360 degree interior theme
- Extra Platform scripted to give you a menu of 22 different floor designs
- Includes Teleporters as a gift if you do not have your own TP system
Just what I was looking for. A charming town plaza in some Canadian city. Anyone know where?
Read Carefully
The scene does not change, the floor prim changes...why you would want a rock floor with a European town background is a mystery to me. At any rate, that was my fault for not reading carefully. The second issue is that when trying to scale it down for a 512 it loses definition. It would be easier if you were able to stretch and contract the scene since it does not change, there is no reason that this should not be possible. If you are putting this on a 1024 parcel, no problem, but any other size will take valuable time to get it right. The other issue is the odd rez box for a box...huh? At any rate, I wanted this for my 512 and it is going to take too much time and effort to get it, I'm on the hunt for a solution and 149L lighter in the pocket.