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USS Loknar Bridge (Copy-Mod)

USS Loknar Bridge (Copy-Mod)

One of the most reliable ships in the Federation, the Andorian designed Loknar Class VIII-X Frigates served Star Fleet faithfully for 33 years before the printing of the first edition, Federation Ship Recognition Manual. This simulation of it's central command position is centered in what fans would call the original series-era (or TOS) of Star Trek. This bridge simulation features a working red alert system, helm and nav sound effects, and even a small stage behind the viewscreen that can be set to display other ships' bridges to allow ship-to-ship role play. Everything should be copy/mod, so adapting it to your needs should be easy with basic editing skills.

Also included is a small ready room and a service hallway for easily going behind the scenes from the turbolift door to behind the viewscreen.

Need more accessories for your RP/ship building needs? Don't forget to check out some of my other TOS-inspired items!