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Ultimate Parcel Prim Counter Version 4.1

Ultimate Parcel Prim Counter

-=Proudly brought to you by=-
-=Tanelorn Manor Designs™ Established 2010=-


√ Prim count filtering - Blacklist ('ignore') OR Whitelist ('count only');
√ Individual breakdown of prim counts - including name, group owned & temp-on-rez;
√ Four display modes - 'Landlord', 'Tenant', ‘Individual’ and 'Hidden';
√ Menu controlled configuration - no notecards!;
√ Configurable parcel scanning intervals;
√ Automated email reporting with adjustable report delays (min 1 hour - max 49,164,003 years !!);
√ Now just 1 prim - no land relays required;
√ Low-impact/high-performance, fully optimised scripts;
√ Ideal for Landlords with small to medium parcel holdings;
√ Free automated updates for life;

Thank you for your interest in our latest Ultimate Parcel Prim Counter (UPPC). The UPPC was specifically designed with both Landlords and Tenants in mind, but is also a very handy tool for personal use on your own land parcel (we couldn't live without ours!).
It provides Landlords with a simple way to monitor prim usage on one or multiple parcels (your UPPC is copyable) and Tenants with a quick way to check their own rezzed prim counts.
All configuration, settings and preferences are controlled from easy-to-use menus.
UPPC hovertext display and email reporting show the actual 'Land Impact' (LI) totals for each avatar to provide you with a true representation of your used and available land resources.

1/ Rez your UPPC and position it;
2/ Attach your 'UPPC Activator HUD' and click the HUD;
3/ Deed your UPPC (only if group-owned land - the UPPC will guide you through this simple process);
4/ Done!

Blacklist and Whitelist Filtering
These optional lists are useful for filtering prim count results.
'Blacklist' names are ignored from any prim count and are useful to exclude you, your administrator or your landscaper etc., from prim counts.
'Whitelist' names are counted ONLY - all others names not on the list are ignored. Useful to display only tenant prim counts, particularly if you have one large parcel with many tenants.
Both list types can be used to achieve similar results - pick whichever best suits your particular circumstances.

Hovertext Display Modes
This provides the most detailed display, showing each avatar's prim count, temp-on-rez count, deeded prim count and total used and available prim counts.
If a Whitelist or Blacklist is active the total number of 'ignored' prims will be shown as well.

This display is much less detailed than the "Landlord" display and only shows a filtered set of avatar prim counts (when using Blacklist or Whitelist) and a total count for these. By default the hovertext will only show for 30 seconds after an avatar touch, and only if that avatar is classified as a 'Tenant' (display timeout can be disabled).
This mode is a good choice for your tenants to keep track of their prim counts without getting overwhelmed with other counts irrelevant to them especially when used in combination with a Blacklist or a Whitelist.

This is the least detailed display, showing only the touching avatar's prim count. This is displayed briefly in hovertext and then hidden.

This hides all hovertext and makes the UPPC 90% transparent so you can barely see it.
This mode is most useful if you just want your UPPC to provide you with regular email reports from a tenant parcel.

Email Reporting
To activate email reporting you must enter a valid email address and email reporting delay from the menu.
Report delays can be set in increments of 1 hour.
Email reports provide more detail than hovertext displays and include, for your convenience, a SLURL link to the UPPC location.

Copying Your Configured UPPC
If you are planning to rez a number of UPPC's for tenant parcels, it may be useful to set one up, with your own preferences, as a template first. You can then take a copy of it back into your inventory to reuse. This will save you having to re-enter your email address/report delay, Blacklist or Whitelist avatar names and any other setting you may have configured.


If you have any questions about this product, or need help setting up, please contact Muroc Scorfield (Australian Eastern Time) via IM.

Please visit our Mainstore to see more of our products and check out our lucky chairs, midnight madness, mini-mania and fortune teller to win prizes!

See item in Second Life
  • Individual breakdown of prim counts - including agent (avatar) names;
  • Now with Blacklist & Whitelist functionality
  • Automated email reporting with adjustable report delays
  • Automated updates for life of product;
  • Ideal for Landlords with small to medium parcel holdings;
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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The Best Out There!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 20, 2022 by Alexis Crisp

Today, one whole year after purchasing, I ended up needing some support. I was impressed that the creator was available just hours after I asked for help with a very helpful answer. I strongly recommend this product for its reliability and for the creator's dedication. Buy it! :~)

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Very useful
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 06, 2022 by Clem Marques

I love it.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 01, 2022 by Sharelle Aurelia

Exactly what I needed for my two parcels. Thanks.

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im a tentant
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 28, 2019 by Missy Whimsy

im a tentant and it worked fine with me when i deeded to group but wear the hud first

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 06, 2019 by Daimon Ravenhurst

This is exactly what I needed for a group shared parcel. Everyone can see their prim usage and keep each other honest! Very simple setup, works great.

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Just what I needed.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 24, 2016 by Serafyna Chiantelle

Excellent. Easy to use, straightforward and just what I needed. Thank you very much.

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