Build with premade mesh parts directly inworld.
The parts snap in place on the Building Grid, allowing you to build easy, fast, and precise.
Some basic knowledge of SL building is required.
See the ‘Quick Start Guide’ and ‘Assembling Parts Tutorial’ at our video channel, they cover all you need to know.
198 parts in total. Low Land Impact.
The parts are packed in a Rezzer, conveniently organised. (Land Impact 44)
The use of the Rezzer is optional. A folder organisation can be loaded into the inventory as well.
- The general workflow consists of placing corners and connecting them with straight parts.
- All parts snap to a 0.050 SL grid on all axes.
- Regular Land Impact 0.5 - 1.5/part.
- Resizable. Standard size is 4m in height and 0.2m in width.
The length of the parts varies and most of the Straight parts are meant to be resized in length while building.
Textures used are therefore preferable seamless in length.
- Window and Door wallpieces need to be prepared before building.
First a matching wallpiece in window height and position will be selected. Then this piece will be stretched in length to match the window's length.
- All parts have different front & back faces for all legs that can be edited separately using the 'Select Face' build option. (top & bottom and left & right sides share a face)
- AO maps applied providing basic shadows.
- UV maps included for accurate texturing.
Textures easy both in-world as in image editor.
System manual:
A - Snap to Grid and Snap-resizing concepts
B - Height Resizing Instructions
C - How to set up Window and Door pieces
D - Overview of the parts
E - Information about the Faces
F - Use of the AO maps
G - Info about the REZZER and RezSets
All 198 parts, the AO textures, and UV maps, come with full permissions.
Rezzer and other packaging elements are no transfer.
In-world location : Building 1
General Info:
- This product is packed in a Provider which has buttons for each different section. Touch a button to get a folder with the content. A button's content can also be accessed by 'Edit Linked' and dragging it into the inventory.
- All our products are designed for regular texture mapping. Planar mapping may not render correctly on certain parts (BUG-4066).
For information regarding the use of our products visit
Find our video channel at
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This item is intended to be a component for use in your own creations.
In no way this item may be redistributed with full permissions.
Please read and respect our terms of use below.
By purchasing this product you agree to the following terms :
You are allowed to:
- Modify and use this product as a part of your own creations and sell them with copy OR transfer permissions.
You are not allowed to:
- Distribute this product with both copy and transfer permissions.
- Distribute this product as part of a freebie or any price below L$ 10.
- Distribute this product as it is.
- Distribute or advertise this product using our name, logo, packaging or packaging textures.
- Distribute or use this product outside the virtual world Second Life with exception of the Second Life Marketplace.
'Product' is defined as every item that comes with the purchase, including the packaging and its textures, except otherwise stated on the product's Info & License notecard.
'Distribute' is defined as any form of transfer or publishing, be it by print, copy, distribution, disclosure, selling or sharing.
© Copyright 2013, Doctor Zimberman, ZimberLab. All rights reserved.
To see an item displayed please visit our in-world store.
See item in Second Lifehonestly...
its a great builders kit maybe the best builders kit >_> i have bought alot of builder kits and this is the best one really :D
Walls we love Walls
So easy to be creative with these easy to snap into place building Elements . Always happy with Doctor Zimberman products
Nothing is better than ZimberLab...
Are some of the items from ZimberLab overpriced (not this one in particular)? Yes. But will you find a better kit on the grid, that will not piss you off and will be an absolute delight to work with? Nope! Worth every penny!!
Personally, I can't get on with the rezzer, but then I'm an old dog and you know what they say about old dogs and new tricks.
Working with the basic components, though ... LOVE IT!
Compared to the mesh kits I've been using for the last couple of years, it is better thought out, better made, faster to use and looks like it will end up reducing the LI of my current project by around 60%.
How good does good get?
Wonder! Wonder! Wonder!
I'm not a construction professional, but I wanted to make it in mesh, a building I bought made of prims. So I immediately looked for the king of kits for builders! Ironically, I needed an adjustment in the physics of one of the pieces I used, and Doctor Zimberman promptly answered and made the piece fit as I needed it! Like a bar conversation! Everything very simple! How good it is to be treated with respect as a consumer!
I recommend this store, have my respect!
Keep it up, buddy!