lost prim finder - lost object finder - lost pet finder - with TP click link

Hi. This device is a lost object prim finder. It is delivered in a rez version and a Hud version. Add the hud version or attach to hud center. It will appear lower rightish on viewer.
Click the object finder. It will scan and list the nearest 16 objects in a 64m range, giving the objects name, vector, and a click link to the object.
Fantastic for finding lost kittycats and pets, tiny prims and invisible prims ! Use Ctrl Alt and T to toggle invisible on / off when hunting invisible prims.
The clicklinks provided in local will place your avatar approx 1m above the object. So the object will be roughly at your feet if you tp with the link.
If you find yourself falling through space due to the lost object location go to fly mode and repeat the tp.
yes copy yes mod except script ( yes copy only ) 1LI
- yes copy
This is Pretty Nifty!
It does what is says it does in the description and it does it fast! Great for finding lost kitties or missing prim and it has a list with tp! AWESOME!
L$ 69
Use It Now
This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed