Building facts:
2 versions included ( Both black and white )
vendor panels are interchangeable
100% seamlessly tillable several buildings next to each other in any horizontal direction
99% mesh structure ( everything is mesh, except ground floor )
Easy to rezz
Zero script lag
Low texture lag
Catchy looks
Browse friendly - customers will love it
Retail store or Gallery type prefab
Footprint: 34x30 m (shop interior square shape - 30x30, 4 additional meters for facade)
Minimum Parcel Size Required: 1024sq. meters ( building can be physically rezzed at 1024 sq. meters parcel, shop window may cross land border a bit, however ground floor is root prim, it wont count in adjacent parcel - standard 1024 SL parcel size 32x32 m)
Prims: 115
Additional Info:
- Does not contain rezzer - its not needed
- There are no scripts whatsoever. No texture change via scripts, you get 2 differently textured shops with purchase
- Structure is being sold as displayed in-world. Product pictures are taken in world without any post processing.
- Inside of store is set to full bright for best visual experience.
- If unlinked prim count raises significantly >30% (normal SL behavior on mesh objects)
- Outer and inner walls are separate objects
- ON every wall in between of vendor panels is simple generic wall texture. The prim with this texture can be removed when you intend to combine multiple structures seamlessly.
- 3rd floor option is not available and not supported by Abiss.
For any questions IM Frasha Boa or Oggy Bonetto
Enjoy your SL day/night
Abiss team
- low prim mesh structure with high detailed textures
- black and white version included
- interchangeable vendor panels
- tillable structure - link as many you need
BR Aesthetic & Maitreya
Awesome, clear, great space, is larger inside than outside, building a great job, congratulations.
Incredibly Designed Building!
I bought this building as an update to my old prim building. The building is copy. mod & I had no trouble modding it as I needed two copies of it with a walkway in between. I love the clean white & wood designs as well as the lighting inside. A desk is provided within the building that easily accommodates a group gift area & space for demo items. The lighted display cases & lighting in general inside are great. The textures look very professionally done. It is a very well designed building and I am extremely happy with my purchase! This building gives me plenty of room for expansion. Even with two buildings rezzed out, it fits a 4096 m2 tract of land fine. It was one of the more expensive buildings I found on the SL Marketplace, but it is totally worth it. This builder is really talented.
A great Store
Perfect for my needs and extremely well made ;)
wonderful build
it lives up to what we come to expect from Abiss... perfection!
Great building
Awesome, clear, great space, is larger inside than outside, building a great job, congratulations.
Great store
This is a great building and the staff are very nice and helpful.