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Larsson Graceful Yoga Mat With 24 Authentic Looped Animations! Version 2.5

Larsson Graceful Yoga Mat With 24 Authentic Looped Animations!
Larsson Graceful Yoga Mat With 24 Authentic Looped Animations!
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The Larsson Hamsa Yoga Mat provides you with 24 authentic looped yoga animations. These loops vary from 17 to 47 seconds of graceful motion. These are all authentic yoga moves selected provide an atmosphere of simplicity and purity so as to promote your reflection, mediation, realization, and creativity of thought.

Indeed, the Larsson Hamsa Yoga Mat is named for classic Hamsa symbol of the hand with fingers pointing downward to impart blessings of good fortune along with observing eye of protection. Users of this yoga mat are encouraged to focus their thoughts in spirit of encouraging good will, restoration, and realization to all. So when you say "Namaste" or hello, please do so with positive feelings toward those you greet, that is the spirit of Hamsa.

Accordingly, yoga sessions are best seen as quiet times allowing you to focus your attention and align your thoughts and your body leading to both restoration and realization. Yoga is not a sport, nevertheless many athletes may discover yoga to be highly beneficial to their well being and potential for athletic achievement.

Importantly, this mat is not loaded up with distracting non-yoga conventional exercises such as push-ups or jumping jacks. Above all, yoga is a meditation practice, with restorative physical movement, and no strenuous physicality.

There are a great many movements that are said to be yoga "exercises" or poses. The practice of yoga originated in northern India and so the various yoga poses are known today by the original names handed down over centuries. This mat provides you with 24 widely known poses allowing you to select and plan your yoga sessions depending on your time and goals.

The 24 animated poses are in a numbered sequence giving you a progression from initial poses to more elaborate animations and concluding with a meditation pose for reflection at end of your session. And, you can also select poses in any sequence useful to you.

When you first stand on mat you will see blue AVsitter menu allowing you to select any pose. You can also use this menu to position poses to fit your avatar size if needed. You can also adjust size of mat if needed by keying "rescale" in /3 chat for on-screen rescale menu. Do not sit on mat when you are rescaling it, your presence on mat will prevent scale changes.

Choose among 10 traditional colorizations by keying color name in /3 chat. Colors are: red, pink, orange, yellow, green, foam, peach, maroon, blue, and velvet.

This Hamsa Yoga mat is high quality mesh featuring white decorative piping around edges. It is sold as copy only.

The 24 authentic yoga animated poses are:

1. "Relax" a relaxed Shavasana
2. "Mountain" or Tadasana
3. "Kneel" or Virasana
4. "Seated Twist" or Parivrtta Sukhasana
5. "Easy Fish" or Saral Matsyasana
6. "Butterfly" or Supta Baddha Konasana
7. "Plow" or Halasana
8. "Half Tortoise" or Ardha Kurmasana
9. "Rabbit" or Sasangasana
10. "Cobra" or Bhujangasana
11. "Snake" or Sarpasana
12. "Bow" or Dhanurasana
13. "Downward Dog" or Adhomukh Svanasana
14. "Splits" or Samakonasana
15. "Cat" or Marjari Asana
16. "Peacock" or Mayur Asana
17. "Camel" or Ustrasana
18. "Lizard" or Pristhasana
19. "Seal" or Dwikonasana
20. "Salute" or Surya Namaskar
21. "Chair" or Utkatasana
22. "Triangle" or Trikonasana
23. "Balance" or Natrajasana
24. "Meditation" or Shavasana

Observing yourself using this yoga mat is strangely calming. Indeed, scientific research shows people identify with their avatars.



Artikel in Second Life anzeigen
  • Select among 24 of most popular looped yoga animations
  • Chat commands select among 10 popular yoga colorizations
  • Chat command to call for on-screen rescale menu
  • AVsitter allows you to adjust each pose position fi desired
  • Notecard explains meaning and benefits of each pose

L$ 500

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Larsson Outdoor Adventure Products
Verkauft von: Lisle Larsson

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