* Turns on with a click and offers a choice of ranges from 20m to 90m
* Automatically ignores 'friends' already nearby when switched on.
* Warns of new arrivals with unmissing 'ALERT ALERT ALERT!' audio alarm
* Anyone can use: leave in private spots for visitors to your venue
* Free, copyable, one prim, and low lag - shuts down when no one around
The Bright Privacy Radar will warn you if anyone arrives nearby while you are working, chatting with friends, or getting squelchy with someone you love. With a real audio alarm, it is much harder to miss than a new name on your HUD avatar scanner.
To unpack your radar, drag the "Bright Privacy Radar boxed" from your inventory onto the ground. Right-click, click "Open" in the circle menu, and click "Copy To Inventory" at the bottom of the contents window which appears. This will create a new folder in your inventory called "Bright Privacy Radar boxed".
To use your radar, simply rez it and click it. A menu will pop up asking you how far to scan. Click a button between 20m and 90m. The radar will display a list of everyone already in that range, whom it will consider "friends" and ignore. But when anyone *else* arrives, the radar will show their names, turn from green to red, and warn in a female voice "alert, alert, alert!".
Then just click to switch it off, and click to switch it back on again: if the new arrival is a friend, they will be included in the list of people to ignore.
And that's all there is to it! Anyone can switch it on with a click, and any of the people there when it was switched on can switch it off again with another click. If there is noone nearby, it will automatically switch itself off to avoid lag.
FOR FULL INFORMATION VISIT http://brightcorporation.net/privacy-radar - CLICK 'VIEW VIDEO' TO VISIT!
Download instructions See item in Second Life View Video »- Turns on with a click and offers a choice of ranges from 20m to 90m
- Automatically ignores 'friends' already nearby when switched on.
- Warns of new arrivals with unmissing 'ALERT ALERT ALERT!' audio alarm
- Anyone can use: leave in private spots for visitors to your venue
- Free, copyable, one prim, and low lag - shuts down when no one around
Sound can be heard by intruder too
Sound can be heard by owner and intruder, the sneaky one will be better :D