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*D&D* GD18-XM-X1 “Gundam Crossbone X-1” 1:10 Standard Edition (Boxed) Versión 20150523

*D&D* GD18-XM-X1 “Gundam Crossbone X-1” 1:10 Standard Edition (Boxed)
*D&D* GD18-XM-X1 “Gundam Crossbone X-1” 1:10 Standard Edition (Boxed)
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GD18-XM-X1 “Gundam Crossbone X-1” 1:10 Standard Edition

For Full size images, view:

. For the usage of weapon, please view weapon’s individual user guide, or tutorial:

This Avatar is about 8’2 ft (2.5m) height
Avatar is: +M+C-T
Weapons are: +M+C-T
Scripts inside are: -M+C-T

Model includes: (parts / attach point)
GD18- Gundam Crossbone X-1 Edition:
. Rigged Skeleton
. Head (skull)
. Armor (chest)
. Booster Backpack (Spine / Gen-2 Booster system (lite))
. Upper Arm Armor (L/R Upper arm)
. Forearm Armor (L/R Fore arm)
. Hands (L/R hands) (Non-Weaponry)
. Pelvis Armor (pelvis)
. Upper Leg Armor (L/R Upper Leg)
. Lower Leg Armor (L/R Lower Leg)
. Foot Armor (L / R Foot)
. Body Shape and Alpha Mask, etc.

. GD18SRF-Zanber Rifle (Melee + Range + Defense System, activates as a melee weapon in HUD.)

HUD system
. Uni-HUD V5.42
. Color Changer HUD
. Warrior AO male V2.37b (demo)

-------- -------- -------- --------
GD18ZSR- Zanbuster User Guide

. The (working) weapon is activated via uni-HUD (the sword icon) or by touching the Sheath.

All physical attacks have 5% chance of causing "Gravity" status. (GVGCS)

Attribute: B=Beam

Ready Stance (LMK) = Left Mouse button
Guarding Stance (C) = (Hold) PageDown key (or C key)
Cool Down Period (CD): a 1.2 sec interval in the end of a combo chain.

-------- MODE 1: Saber-Shield Mode --------
(1S): Light attacks: Hold (LMK) + Forward (or W key)
. 5-chain combo attacks. When using these attacks, guarding is temponary down.
Damage: 10B-> 10B->10B->10B->15B+8B-> (CD)
(Enchanted mode: 12B-> 12B->12B->12B->17B+8B-> (CD) )

(2S): Heavy attacks: Hold (LMK) + Backward (or S key)
. 5-chain combo attacks. Guarding Attacks that prevent 50% damage when attacking.
Damage: 8B-> 15B->8B->20B->15B+8B->(CD)
(Enchanted mode: 10B-> 17B->10B->22B->17B+8B-> (CD) )

-------- MODE 2: Rifle Mode --------
(SP0): Charge Mode: Hold (LMK)
. A beam shot that allows 3-levels of charge. When charging, player can move with standard speed.
LV / Damage / Distance / Charge Time (x)
1 / 8B / 10m*0.2pi / x<3 sec
2 / 20B / 15m*0.35pi / 3<=x<6 sec
3 / 45B / 20m*0.4pi / x>=6 sec

-------- SPECIAL MOVES --------
(SP0): Charge Mode: Hold (LMK) after (1) or (2)
. A charge stance (for saber-shield mode). Movement lock is released, allow player to move around with standard speed. Takes 3 sec. to complete a full charge. A guard stance that prevents 25% combat damage will be performed in this mode.

(SP1): Charge Attack: when (SP0) is fully charged, release (LMK) to trigger
. A powerful charge attack
. Distance & Range: 6m & 0.4*pi
. Damage: 20B + [Blow Away]
(if not fully charged, a hand-gun shot will be performed. Damage: 8B )

(SP2): Alt-Fire: when (SP0), press PageDown (or C key) to trigger
. Fires the handgun equipped in the left hand. Can be performed multiple times during charging.
. Distance & Range: 15m*0.2pi
. Damage: 8B

. Alt-Defense: In Rifle Mode, this becomes the movement that activates the beam shield. Player gain 25% damage reduction when the shield is on, but also suffers a speed penalty, which can not run.

(SP2B): Shield Bash: When Alt-Defense Mode is on, press PageDown (or C key) to trigger
. Performs a forward-dash to damge, chace or run away from enemy.
. Dash Distance: 10m
. Damage: 8B + [fall down]

(SP3A): UpRising: on ground, Hold (LMK) + PageUp (E key)
. A rising attack that blows enemy into mid-air. (can not use in Saber-Shield Mode)
. Damage: 15B + [Lift Up]

(SP3B): Smacker: after a jump, Hold (LMK) + PageDown (C key)
. A downward-smack that damage targets on ground. Must perform before landing.
. Damage: 15B + [Blow Away]

(SP4A): Full Defense Stance: Hold (C)
. In any mode, use this Stance to gain 75% damage reduction (But you can not attack when Full-Defending).

(SP4B): Left/Right Strafe: Hold (LMK)or(C) + Left / Right (A/D Key)

(SP4C): Hold (LMK) + PageDown (C key)
A Backward Roll for dudging attacks. It also instantly releases movement lock.

-------- MODE SWITCHERS --------
(SP5A): Saber-Shield Mode <-> Rifle Mode Transform: Hold (C) + Forward (W key)
. Transforms weapon between Saber-Shield mode and Rifle mode.

(SP5B): Toggle Enchanted Mode: Hold (C) + Forward (W key)
. Transforms the weapon between (Normal) melee mode and Enchanted mode. Can not use in rifle mode.
. Enchanted weapons has higher power, but slower in each attack and has longer cool-down period.

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L$ 1,799

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D & D SilverSmith
D & D SilverSmith
Vendido por: Darkraven Danick

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