GD17-GF13-017NJII “God Gundam” (Burning Gundam) 1:10 Standard Edition Main User Guide
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Weapon demonstration video:
This Avatar is about 8’2 ft (2.5m) height
Avatar is: -M+C-T
Weapons are: +M+C-T
Scripts inside are: -M+C-T
Model includes: (parts / attach point)
. Head (skull)
. Armor (chest)
. Booster Backpack (Spine / Gen-2 Booster system (lite))
. Upper Arm Armor (L/R Upper arm)
. Forearm Armor (L/R Fore arm)
. Hands (L/R hands) (Non-Weaponry)
. Pelvis Armor (pelvis)
. Rear Pelvis Armor (R-pecs)
. Upper Leg Armor (L/R Upper Leg)
. Lower Leg Armor (L/R Lower Leg)
. Foot Armor (L / R Foot)
. Body Shape, clothes and Alpha
. GD17C3- GOD Fingers (Melee weapon, actives as melee)
HUD system
. Uni-HUD V5.42
. Color Changer HUD
. Warrior AO male V2.37b (demo)
GD17C3- “God Fingers” User Guide
Base on model ZC3-ForceArms MK3, this combat system has 3 combat modes:
"Normal Mode" provides standard damage output.
"Hyper Mode" provides faster movements, which incase DPS via canceling cooldown time.
"Super Mode" provides 1.5 times damage on normal attacks, which also incases DPS.
"Hyper Mode" and "Super Mode" can accumulative with each other, which boost DPS massively.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< COMBAT GUIDE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
All attacks has 10% chance of causing “Gravity” status, which limit your opponent’s movement and reduce his/her HP (GVGCS)
Attacks marked with “*” has 10% chance of causing “Burn” status which burns your opponent’s HP during time.
Attributes: S=Smash / f = fire (weak) / F = Fire (strong)
Relax Stance (LS) = when not holding any button (breaks combo chain, EX-combo chain)
Ready Stance (RS) = Left Mouse button (Hold)
Tactic Stance (TS) = PageDown key (Hold)
Cool down period (CD) = 1.5 second (triggered in the end of normal combo or after using EX-combo)
(1): Light attacks: Hold(RS) + Forward (or W key)
. 8-chain combo smash.
. Damage: 15S->15S->15S->15S->15S->15S->15S->33S->(CD)
(Super): 17S->17S->17S->17S->17S->17S->17S->35S->(CD)
EN Cost:
Normal: +4% (builds up energy when attack)
Super: +2% Hyper: -2% Hyper + Super: -4%
(2): Heavy attacks: Hold(RS) + Backward (or S key)
. Powerful 5-chain combo. Builds up energy faster.
. Damage: 33S->33S->37S->37S->37F->40F+[Lift Up]-> (CD)
(Super): 35S->35S->40S->40S->40F->45F+[Lift Up]-> (CD)
EN Cost:
Normal: +6%
Super: +4% Hyper: -6% Hyper + Super: -8%
SP Moves:
(SP1): Charge Attack: after a chain of (1) or (2), keep holding (RS)
. When entered charge stance, movement lock is released and you can move around.
. EN cost: -2% per sec. during charge
LV1 “God Slash” / 5<= t < 8 sec. / 20f / 2
LV2 “Sekiha Tenkyoken (石破天驚拳)” / 8<= t sec. / 50F / 3
(SP2A): God Slash Typhoon: Hold (RS) + PageUp (E key)
. Aqua element rising attack, lift enemy into mid-air.
. It can be a starter of moves (SP2B) and (SP2C)
. EN cost: -10%
. Damage: 12f + [Lift Up]
(SP2B): God Smash: after (SP2A), Hold (RS) + PageUp (E key) or PageDown (C key)
. Follow by (SP2A) or after a jump, a mid-air smash attack Punches Enemy to the ground.
. Must perform before landing on ground.
. EN cost: -2%
. Damage: 30F
(SP2C): Choukyuu Haou Den'eidan (超級覇王電影弾):
after (SP2A), Hold (RS) + Forward (W key) or Backward (S key)
. Follow by (SP2A) or after a jump, a forward thrust that has auto-aiming effect. It detects a valid target, moves to it’s front and cuts it.
. Must perform before landing on ground.
. If it detects no nothing, will still moves you 10m forward
. Distance & Range: 15m & .33*pi
. EN cost: -2%
. Damage: 20f + [Fall Down]
(SP3): Hadoken: Hold (TS) + Backward (W key)
. Projectiles an aqua wave for long-range attack.
. Distance & Range: 10m & .33*pi
. EN cost: -10%
. Damage: 20f
(SP4): Hyper Mode Transform: Hold (TS) + Forward (W key)
. Trigger ON/OFF Hyper Mode.
Also, Hyper Mode will automatically triggered on when EN>200%, or off when EN<=0%
(Super Mode): Triggered via Uni-HUD, by clicking the Transform button in the center, or the pseudo-transform button in the upper right. Super Mode will also turned off when EN<=0%
See item in Second LifeGOD GUNDAM! <3
Seriously, about time you made this one! I love God Gundam! He's my favorite gundam!
Looks really nice, fun to play with too.