KTZ Village House 30prims! ( Bachepam )

Detalles Funciones Contenidos Reseñas (8)



Bachepam KTZ Village House

Abut the House :

- 3 floors with stairs system, Balcony, one main entrance & few kinds of windows
- 2 texture sets ( realistic \ rustic & carttonic \ modern )
- Scripted control panel system
- Permission mode copy only

House Dimensions :

- Width (X) 16m, Depth (Y) 18m, Height (Z) 20m.
- 30 prims, 6 mesh parts linked to 1 object, boxed with rez-faux.

House Control Panel :
- Change between 2 texture set rustic & modern
- Tint windows to block the view from outside to inside the house
- Lock doors
- Choice owner, public or group access
- Easy to use Security system ( for land or group owners only )
- Full Bright on\off
- light glow on\off


Also available to purchase the house in game
Everyone are wellcome to see the house in the link below



KTZ Product, Ktzitz Bravitz

Ver el artículo en Second Life



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Clasificación media: 4.63 estrellas Distribución
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very awesome house...but

Publicado May 19, 2021 por Kal Halberd 4 estrellas

love the house...but a minor issue in the script...when you click it you get the error:

[18:21] KTZ Control Panel: Sorry, only "owner" can use menu.

even though i own the building :/

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Publicado December 11, 2018 por 888MIA888 5 estrellas

Nice house for a very low prims

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KTZ Product ©
KTZ Product ©
Visitar la tienda
Vendido por: Ktzitz Bravitz
Es necesaria la apertura

Para poder abrir este objeto y utilizarlo, tienes que encontrar un lugar adecuado en Second Life (por ejemplo, un Sandbox).

  • 4.63 estrellas 8 Reseñas

  • Permisos:
    Copiar Modificarlo Transferencias Usuario con licencia
  • Reenvío automático
  • Impacto en el terreno: 30
  • Malla: 100% Malla