he Shergood EC-135, is a reproduction of the Eurocopter EC-135 (also known as the Airbus H135), a twin-engine turbine helicopter with FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control). The EC-135 first entered service in 1996 and is now a popular aircraft for air ambulance, executive transport and police applications.
The cockpit of the Shergood EC-135 features a mix of fully animated digital panels including a PFD and backup analog instruments. Nearly 40 of the switches and controls are fully functional affecting aircraft systems. Engines can be run in automatic or manual mode, and a training mode for practicing single engine operations is also supported.
The SA-FE (Shergood Aviation Flight Engine) engine driving this virtual reproduction was created by an RL helicopter pilot and designed to fly like an RL helicopter. The engine is purely physics based and features independent control of cyclic, collective, throttle and anti-torque pedals enabling true power-off autorotations.
Instrument Panel
Working glass cockpit
SA-FE (Shergood Aviation Flight Engine) scripting with:
Independent cyclic, collective, throttle and anti-torque controls
Force/torque based physics model
Realism features can be enabled or disabled to adjust level of difficulty.
Weight dependent performance (fuel and passengers)
Main rotor torque (pedals must be used to compensate)
Independent engine and rotor RPM
Selectable automatic and manual engine controls
Selectable "training mode" for simulated single-engine operation
True power-off autorotations
Ground effect increases lift near surfaces (land, water, or prim)
Translational lift increases lift with forward airspeed
Translating tendency results in a "left skid low" look during hover.
Vortex ring state danger exists when helicopter is mishandled
Working electrical system with rechargeable battery.
Exterior and interior lighting (instrumentation, navigation, landing, and taxi lights).
Refuelling system with fuel quantity control
Realistic sounds from an actual EC-135
Fully functioning dual controls.
Paint kit system for user customizable painting.
Unique N-number and serial number assigned to each aircraft.
HOBBS meter tracks total time on aircraft.
Access control system: owner only, guest or registered pilots.
Passenger control - enable/disable access to passenger seats
Dust/water particle effects when hovering near a surface.
Simulated damage and failures.
- Realistic Flight Scripts
- Working Instrument Panel
- Stretcher System
And one more, my collection of Shergood grow up ;-)
First rez of the 1.2 i just bought, and already a redeliver for updated version, 1.3, so I did directly update it. I dont have the wish to have all Shergood helicopters, but I begin to have many of them. When you begin fly with, you dont want more fly another brand, that s totally crazy. First was the CH-47, then I bought the Steamly (just for fun, I love that dangerous machine), after that, the H160 UTL, then I received the S58 as gift (wow, what a lovely machine), and after that I bought the H160 VIP, and the S-64. I was looking for the S61R, but I still not bought it (but I will, I m sure) and now I bought the EC-135 EMS (and for sure, I m waiting the MD-500D, as maybe all Shergood helicopter owner). EMS was a choice for me, as I didnt wanted another H160 (even if it s incredible), and I didnt wanted a Police or VIP version of it. The EC-135 is really good for Rescue, and well used for it in the world. (it is even some in Switzerland, but now mostly are H145). I did paint it on a H145 base of the biggest swiss rescue REGA, fantasy adapted for EC-135. I like the result, even if it is some details to add (here a screenshot: https://gyazo.com/3eb648314324f3a67f33c3f992882cdd). To fly, it is very agile, really. But when flying IGE, it becomes really a pain to handle, torque can become uncontrollable, I never noticed that effect as hard on other helicopters, but I still love it. It is really well equipped too, I added the winch, that is a must have for rescue. Strange fact, on all RL EC-135 (and H145) with winch I saw by my proper eyes or in pic in Switzerland, have the winch on the other side. but for me it s only a detail, most important is to have fun with, and that, believe me, I will. Thank you for that hard work on it.
Nice product!
We can change the color! The seller is friendly and patient lol. But still.... my favorite is Steamly!! (couldn't write a review because I bought it on the spot, so I just left a review here lol), that one is small but awesome!! Bigger window, unique GPS, steampunk style, unique helicopter, nice handling, etc. tho I had difficulties at first since I never dealt with helicopters before. This medical Eurocopter is good if you want a speedy bigger heli with more passenger capacity.
10/10 Would buy again
I dont want to post TL:DR so i will say only.. NICE.. Realistic(almost like DCS) and useable buttons..
Excellent Heli
The EC-135 was the first SA heli I ever purchased or flew. The work and detail that went into it is awesome, making it a truly excellent heli to fly and worth every Linden. If you are thinking about buying an SA heli but you are worried about the price or even the difficulty level in flying them, don't worry. Just buy the heli. It has a novice mode that really helps you get used to flying. With practice, you can start turning on the individual @Realism features that make SA helicopters the most realistic flight experience in all of SL. Peace.