----------------------------------------------------------[VelTec Industries - Repair Wrench]----------------------------------------------
Designation: Repair Wrench
Roles: LBA/VelTec Legacy armor repair, Melee
The VelTec Repair Wrench is a simple tool for repairing LBA and VelTec Legacy vehicles and deployables.
It can also be used as a melee weapon.
The VelTec Repair Wrench will repair 1 damage per swing to LBA/VelTec Legacy armor on the same group as the user.
There is a 10% chance for each swing to get a critical repair of 2-5. Against non-group armor, the wrench will do
1-5 damage per swing. The wrench may also be used as a melee weapon to bash enemy combatants.
It may also be used to upgrade the maximum armor points of some VelTec deployables and vehicles.
C - Swing Wrench
/3rm:re - Repair mode.
/3rm:au - VelTec Armor Upgrade Mode.
/3sling - Sling the wrench.
/3draw - Draw the wrench for use.
/3reset - Reset scripts.
- Repairs LBA and VelTec Legacy objects.
- Can upgrade some VelTec objects.
- Tear enemy armor apart.
- Bonk enemies in melee combat.
- Free!
Simple but it works as advertised
I tested this against the public LBA source as well as multiple forks of it and it work as intended.
Good to use if you're looking for something free and simple to use to repair LBA objects that allow it.