- Perfil
My primary concern is for the satisfaction of my customers. This is a 'Hobby' for me as well as a 'Business'. I might not get back to you right away; but I will get back to you ;-) All efforts will be made to provide you with a quality product. Positive Reviews would be appreciated. NC or IM Dark Larkspur 'In-World' about Requests for 'Customized Products' or any suggestions you have for Improvements to a Product. Thank You.
- Políticas
I will do everything in my power to make the product work for you as described. If I fail to make the product work for you, I will refund your money. I will, however require in-world verification that the product is broken and can not be fixed on all non-transferable items OR return of transferable items. Replacement of items may be an alternative at your request. Please read all documentation. Pl
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