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Acid Rainbow Cage Attachment

Acid Rainbow Cage Attachment
Acid Rainbow Cage Attachment
2 Avis

Far out! Expand your mind - and the minds of your club going friends - with a trippy rainbow cage! Become a living Warhol painting! Easy menu-driven configuration, for adjusting the size and effects to your own personal needs.

The cage uses the new particle options to actually appear as 3D ribbons, so a new viewer is required to fully appreciate the effect. The actual effect is pictured in the preview images, not photoshoppery.

- ready-to-wear Acid Rainbow Cage attachments for your avatar (avatar center x 2)

How to use (attachments):
1) Just add them to your avatar; it's recommended you add only one, else the effects might clash.
2) See below how to configure the effect

How to configure:
This command shows the menu for the Acid Rainbow Cage.

"Reset" returns all settings to original, so can start over if something goes wrong.

"Effect" chooses between different styles of effect. The differences are subtle, and some look better than the others depending on the situation. Experiment!

"Direction" chooses whether the effect travels up or down.

"Length+" and "Length-" control how far the effect goes.

"Spin+" and "Spin-" control how quickly the effect spins.

"ColorSpd+" and "ColorSpd-" control how quickly the effect changes colors.

"Bigger" and "Smaller" resizes the effect.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 18/2/2015 de SeithGhost

This has got to be one of the COOLEST effects I've seen on SL.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 18/2/2015 de Alkarris Thirty

This thing creates a spinning hexagon of rainbows that have a bizarre XOR-ish filter to them that's hard to describe and I have -no- idea how it does it. It's wizardry, and only 10L! GET IT!

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L$ 10

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Vendu par : Frionil Fang

Utilisation immédiate

cet article sera livré directement à vous-même ou à l'un de vos amis dans Second Life, ouvert et prêt à l'emploi. Aucun terrain ni sandbox ne sont requis.

Ce produit contient des articles que votre avatar peut porter.

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  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
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Impact sur le terrain : 7