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[Jammin] Sedimentary Rock Outcrops - Copy/Mod

[Jammin] Sedimentary Rock Outcrops - Copy/Mod
[Jammin] Sedimentary Rock Outcrops - Copy/Mod
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Please Note: A full permissions version of this product is also available.

Viewing In-World is highly recommended - see the link below.

The deep time of earth's past can be seen in sedimentary rocks. Layer upon layer, built up over millions of years, then sculpted by wind and water.

These rock outcrops share a material/texture set with, and are designed to compliment Jammin's Sedimentary Cliff Set.

Two different material/texture sets for versatility, customizable in color and specularity for a range of environments and rock types.

There are 7 different mesh designs in a variety of shapes. They range from 4 to 8m high and match with the low and high meshes of The Sedimentary Cliff Set. The 'Ledge' piece can be used to create overhangs and ledges when used with the cliffs.

Physics shapes have been made as simple as possible to keep land-impact down (You can pass through the 'arch' mesh, but it may need to be scaled up if you have a large avatar).

Please see the poster for the land-impact values of each mesh.

There are two texture/material sets included, one with moss and grass, the other bare rock. Both have quite light diffuse textures, enabling you to customize the color to match your environment. Specular/shine settings are likewise customizable - if you prefer a dull rock, it is recommended that you remove the specular maps completely to save texture memory.

There are separate texture faces for the tops, if you wish to use your texture, to blend with your terrain for example. If so, be sure to remove the normal and specular maps from this face as well.
The side textures are seamless, allowing you to change the scale/repeats. For best results it is recommended that you do this horizontally only, as the meshes have been modelled to fit the texture.

Please see the SL wiki if you require more information on materials:

The full perm version also contains Ambient Occlusion/shadow maps for making your own textures.

Thanks for visiting Jammin - you won't be disappointed! IM or notecard IvanBenjammin if you have any trouble or questions.

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Highly detailed, customizable materials
  • Fully compatible with Sedimentary Cliff Set
  • Low land-impact

L$ 399



Jammin - Mesh & Materials
Jammin - Mesh & Materials
販売元: IvanBenjammin


この商品を開封して使用するには、Second Life 内の場所(サンドボックスなど)を見つける必要があります。

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  • ユーザーライセンス許可済み
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