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*D&D* ZS8- Light Saber MK8 "Raiden" DEMO (Boxed) Version 20140310

*D&D* ZS8- Light Saber MK8 "Raiden" DEMO (Boxed)

ZS8- Light Saber MK8 “Raiden” Weapon Individual Pack User Guide

DEMO version:
Low-detailed, no sound, no combat damage and no mod.

For full size images, view:

Combat video guide:

Designed for low-lag, realistic-style combat.
A high frequency blade that has various SP moves that allow user to change combat tactics upon different opponents.
A liberate mode is included, which allow boost of DPS by consuming energy.

. On/Off Toggle via HUD
. Realistic combat style, chainable combo attacks
. safe/unsafe mode available
. n-way Color-changeable via HUD
. Compatible for "Safe mode combat" (GVG v2.22b+)
non-rez type of combat that allows you combat even in no-build regions.

Weapon set includes: (for both L and S size)
. DEMO weapon
. Beam Simulator (wear on avatar, simulates visual effects of bullets etc.)

<<<<<<<<<<< Combat Guide >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

. Activated via uni-HUD (sword icon) or by touching the sheath

All physical attacks have 5% chance of causing "Gravity" status. Elec. Attacks causes Paralyze status . (GVGCS)

Attribute: C=Cut /e=electric(weak) /E=Electric(Strong)

reLax Stance (LS) = when not holding any button
Ready Stance (RS) = Left Mouse button
Tactic Stance (TS)= (Hold) PageDown key (or C key)

Cool Down Period (CD): A 1.5 second interval after some combo attacks.

(1): Light attacks: Hold(RS) + Forward (or W key)
. 6-chain combo slash.
. EN cost: -3% (builds up energy when being minus number)
(in Liberate mode, 3%)
. Damage: 12C-> 12C-> 12C-> 16C-> 16C-> 22C-> (CD)

(2): Heavy attacks: Hold(RS) + Backward (or S key)
. 6-chain combo slash using legs to wave. More powerful and larger range, but takes extra time to switch back to (1).
. EN cost: -4% (Lib. mode: 4%)
. Damage: 16C-> 16C-> 16C-> 22C-> 22C-> 26C-> (CD)

(SP0): Iaido Stance: Hold (RS) after (1) or (2)
. A charge stance for Iaido Slash. Movement lock is released, and you can run around when charging. Takes about 3 sec. to complete a full charge.

(SP1): Iaido Slash: when (SP0) is fully charged, release (RS) to trigger
. A powerful charge attack that blows away enemy. Damage up to 4 targets.
. Damage: 35E + [Blow Away]

(SP2): Run Slash Mode: when (SP0), press PageDown (or C key) to trigger
Cancels (SP0), and enter Run Slash mode. Player continuously waves weapon while being able to run around freely. Please (RS) to exit this mode.
. Damage: 7C per second

(SP3A): Thunder Storm: on ground, Hold (RS) + PageUp (E key)
. A rising attack that blows enemy into mid-air.
. EN cost: 15%
. Damage: 15e + [Lift Up]

(SP3B): Lighting Storm: after (SP3A), Hold (RS) + PageUp or Backward (E or S key)
. Follow by (SP3A) or after a jump, a mid-air spinning attack that cause another lift effect.
. Must perform before landing on ground.
. Damage: 15e + [Lift Up]

(SP3C): Heaven Stinger: after (SP2A), Hold (RS) + Forward (W key)
. Follow by (SP2A) or after a jump, a auto-aiming attack that detects a valid target, moves to it’s front and cuts it.
. Must perform before landing on ground.
. If it detects no valid target, will still moves you 10m forward
. Distance & Range: 15m & .25*pi
. Damage: 20e + [Fall Down]

(SP3D): Plasma Bomb: after (SP3A), Hold (RS) + PageDown (C key)
. Follow by (SP2A) or after a jump, a downward thrust that causes great plasma explosion on ground.
. Must perform before landing on ground.
. EN cost: 30% (if no enough energy, the move will become (SP3B) )
. Damage: 35E + [Blow Away], Damage up to 4 targets.

(SP4): Raiden Raising: Hold (TS) + Forward (W key)
. A giga attack that releases all hidden powers in the weapon. A powerful combo, but takes a long time to complete the move.
. EN cost: 40%
. Damage: 10C + 10C + 10C + 10C + 35E + [Blow Away]

(SP5): Mode Switcher: Hold (TS) + Forward (W key)
. Switch the weapon between Normal mode and Liberate mode.

Liberate mode:
. Light attacks (1) and heavy attacks (2) costs energy instead of saving energy.
. This mode allows player to attack slightly faster, and cancels cool down time, eventually boosts the DPS of weapon.

See item in Second Life