ZS8- Light Saber MK8 “Raiden” Weapon Individual Pack User Guide
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Combat video guide:
Designed for low-lag, realistic-style combat.
A high frequency blade that has various SP moves that allow user to change combat tactics upon different opponents.
A liberate mode is included, which allow boost of DPS by consuming energy.
. On/Off Toggle via HUD
. Realistic combat style, chainable combo attacks
. safe/unsafe mode available
. n-way Color-changeable via HUD
. Compatible for "Safe mode combat" (GVG v2.22b+)
non-rez type of combat that allows you combat even in no-build regions.
Weapon set includes: (for both L and S size)
. Working weapon
. Sheath
. Dummy Weapon
. Beam Simulator (wear on avatar, simulates visual effects of bullets etc.)
. Large size: fits for all Dragon/Gundam avatars from D&D and/or avatars around that height.
. Small size: fits for all Megaman avatars from D&D and/or avatars around that height.
. For other extra large/small avatars, you'll need to use modify permission to fit it in.
<<<<<<<<<<< Combat Guide >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
. Activated via uni-HUD (sword icon) or by touching the sheath
All physical attacks have 5% chance of causing "Gravity" status. Elec. Attacks causes Paralyze status . (GVGCS)
Attribute: C=Cut /e=electric(weak) /E=Electric(Strong)
reLax Stance (LS) = when not holding any button
Ready Stance (RS) = Left Mouse button
Tactic Stance (TS)= (Hold) PageDown key (or C key)
Cool Down Period (CD): A 1.5 second interval after some combo attacks.
(1): Light attacks: Hold(RS) + Forward (or W key)
. 6-chain combo slash.
. EN cost: -3% (builds up energy when being minus number)
(in Liberate mode, 3%)
. Damage: 12C-> 12C-> 12C-> 16C-> 16C-> 22C-> (CD)
(2): Heavy attacks: Hold(RS) + Backward (or S key)
. 6-chain combo slash using legs to wave. More powerful and larger range, but takes extra time to switch back to (1).
. EN cost: -4% (Lib. mode: 4%)
. Damage: 16C-> 16C-> 16C-> 22C-> 22C-> 26C-> (CD)
(SP0): Iaido Stance: Hold (RS) after (1) or (2)
. A charge stance for Iaido Slash. Movement lock is released, and you can run around when charging. Takes about 3 sec. to complete a full charge.
(SP1): Iaido Slash: when (SP0) is fully charged, release (RS) to trigger
. A powerful charge attack that blows away enemy. Damage up to 4 targets.
. Damage: 35E + [Blow Away]
(SP2): Run Slash Mode: when (SP0), press PageDown (or C key) to trigger
Cancels (SP0), and enter Run Slash mode. Player continuously waves weapon while being able to run around freely. Please (RS) to exit this mode.
. Damage: 7C per second
(SP3A): Thunder Storm: on ground, Hold (RS) + PageUp (E key)
. A rising attack that blows enemy into mid-air.
. EN cost: 15%
. Damage: 15e + [Lift Up]
(SP3B): Lighting Storm: after (SP3A), Hold (RS) + PageUp or Backward (E or S key)
. Follow by (SP3A) or after a jump, a mid-air spinning attack that cause another lift effect.
. Must perform before landing on ground.
. Damage: 15e + [Lift Up]
(SP3C): Heaven Stinger: after (SP2A), Hold (RS) + Forward (W key)
. Follow by (SP2A) or after a jump, a auto-aiming attack that detects a valid target, moves to it’s front and cuts it.
. Must perform before landing on ground.
. If it detects no valid target, will still moves you 10m forward
. Distance & Range: 15m & .25*pi
. Damage: 20e + [Fall Down]
(SP3D): Plasma Bomb: after (SP3A), Hold (RS) + PageDown (C key)
. Follow by (SP2A) or after a jump, a downward thrust that causes great plasma explosion on ground.
. Must perform before landing on ground.
. EN cost: 30% (if no enough energy, the move will become (SP3B) )
. Damage: 35E + [Blow Away], Damage up to 4 targets.
(SP4): Raiden Raising: Hold (TS) + Forward (W key)
. A giga attack that releases all hidden powers in the weapon. A powerful combo, but takes a long time to complete the move.
. EN cost: 40%
. Damage: 10C + 10C + 10C + 10C + 35E + [Blow Away]
(SP5): Mode Switcher: Hold (TS) + Forward (W key)
. Switch the weapon between Normal mode and Liberate mode.
Liberate mode:
. Light attacks (1) and heavy attacks (2) costs energy instead of saving energy.
. This mode allows player to attack slightly faster, and cancels cool down time, eventually boosts the DPS of weapon.
Excellent prop
unfortunatly, i dont use the D&D combat meter, so i have no idea if this weapon is any good or not, but what i could tell, is the animation and the model itself is extremely good, as you guessed this lighting bolt katana is based on a famous video game character's hf blade, you even have his blade to heel signature moves, the other move like the blade sheated using the quick unsheath to add more momentum to the blade (kenjustu fan will certainly know the word better than me) is pretty neat and other power moves as well look incrediblely right, to play as Reaper Jack, the Raiden blade is a good addition, even as a prop.