Thank you for your interest towards this HUD.
If you are familiar with my previous works, you'll know that, for a while, I've been focusing on creations that combine melee based combat with fancy magic.
In this HUD, I try to go one step further, by making some of the magic moves directly affect the melee combat, as well as by making some of the magic moves dependent on your melee combos.
More specifically, while the magic style implemented here is close to that used in some of my previous works (i.e., rune/seal based), the combat style is, this time around, based on fencing.
Once again, although mostly focused for combat, you should still be able to show off yourself with it in non-combat scenarios (e.g., when roleplaying).
Bellow, I'll try to describe with more detail the HUD's features and other types of information you might need in order to use it.
Whenever the HUD is active, your avatar will be granted certain movement enhancements:
While in mid-air, use strafing (i.e. SHIFT + RIGHT or SHIFT +LEFT) to fall to the right or the left.
While in mid-air, press the jump button. A magic seal will appear bellow your feet and propel you upwards as a double jump.
You can use this ability twice.
While on the ground, double tap any directional key to ground dive a small dash to the selected location.
At the end of any melee combo (5 consecutive sword swings), all seal-based attacks will have different properties.
Press the button to perform a melee basic attack.
You can also use your left mouse button, while in mouse look.
Press the button to pop up a dialog window with the following options:
▷ AIR JUMP - to enable or disable the AIR STEP ability
▷ DASH - to enable or disable the GROUND DASH ability
▷ POSE - to select your battle stance.
Currently, six poses are available.
▷ SWORD(m) - to change the sword shape/model
▷ SWORD(s) - to change the Sword colour style
▷ SWORD(r) - to resize the Sword
▷ HUD(r) - to resize the HUD
▷ POSE(c) - to select your battle stance.
▷▷ NOTE:
Some of the following moves have 2 different forms:
CD and DEFAULT, depending if they are the result of this HUDs passive ability or not, respectively.
Cast 5 ice seals in front of you.
Each one will shoot an damaging ice bolt.
▷ DEFAULT: the bolts will be shot in a curved trajectory, moving towards the closest person in front of the caster.
▷ CD: the bolts are shot in a straight line in front of the caster.
▷ DEFAULT: Cast an ice seal below you, several blocks of ice will be raised from the ground, towards the closest target in front of the caster.
▷ CD: Cast an ice seal bellow the closest person in front of the caster.
An ice prison will emerge, trapping the person.
This prison will then 'explode' damaging the person.
▷ DEFAULT: Cast a seal in front of you that will pull in the closest target in range.
▷ CD: Cast a seal around you that will pull in all targets in range.
▷▷ If the seals are still active, using this ability while on cooldown will make them
push up the affected target(s).
Cast an air seal in of you.
▷ DEFAULT: If someone passes through the seal, it will be pushed in the direction of the seal.
If you pass through the seal, you will dash in the direction of the seal or towards the closest person in front of it.
▷ CD: The seal will summon a small tornado, damaging and pushing affected targets.
▷ DEFAULT: Summon a fire seal behind you.
After that, your next melee combo will shoot fire balls.
▷ CD: Summon a fire seal in front you, shoot a large explosive fire ball in front
of you.
This move is composed by 4 stages.
1. Dash towards the closest person in range.
(SCM Version: This may stun the person)
2. Cast a gravity seal above yourself, which should pull in the closest person
3. Stab multiple times above yourself, potentially damaging the trapped person
4. Cast a 'transformed' gravity seal, damaging and pushing the trapped person
▶ Feedback?
▶ Suggestions?
▶ Questions (that this text does not answer)
▶ Bugs? Problems?
▷ Please contact Encaitaron Korobase
In addition, feel free to join our group --= Solarium =-- where we post news about new products, updates, and occasional freebies.
Lastly, but not the least, a massive shout-out to Kilik Lekvoda, who created and textured the swords.
- Spellfire and SCM enabled
- Melee/Fencing based combat
- Rune/Seal/Glyph based spells and enhancements
- Customizable (sword style, stance, size ...)
- Free automatic updates
Really Awesome
its like out of a anime with magic and jumping around
awesome sword
idk why people say it's so hard to use i love it and once you get the hang of it the sword is quite easy to use
an amazing weapon with an unfortunate first review
this weapon is amazing. iv played with it and I have to say it's very well made. the man who posted here before claiming it was a broken and useless weapon is either the most idiotic person iv seen or very inconsiderate of how much work this must have taken to make. first, the weapon itself is a very elegant model with a jagged sword and a more refined rapier, both very well made as for how to use it. the hud is my go-to. I love gestures don't get me wrong but I'm more of an attack with the hud kinda girl. the runes and such are very well executed down to making some of the attacks seem a bit like overkill in a fight a very lovely item. if you take anything from this review it should be this: why settle for a magic hud when you can get a sword with your magic hud
SO confused how to use this hud
i done what the notecard says to trigger the dust effects and still nothing happened. i pu on the sword that comes with it and even the gesture still doesnt work!! waste of money.