Moving Box Script

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So I have a physical object I sell called "Bat Plushie Action Villain." I thought it would be great to make the box for this move inside my store. My store was small, as it used to be inside a mall that was about 9 1/2m x 11m. This is the script I use. The box stayed inside my store, and didn't bother the neighbors. It looked like there's actually a bat inside the box, waiting to be bought. The shoppers enjoyed it, because they found out sitting on it is fun too, lol. Don't worry, it always stays inside the store no matter how it gets moved. Now the "Bat Plushie Action Villain" is set out in my store without being in a box, but still moves by this script. May this help you, as well! ;)

This script is full perm, as I did find it through the help of some friends and research. Play around with it on line 9, if you change the numbers in the parenthesis, you will be able to change how much it moves, if you like.

If you have any questions or comments before leaving feedback, feel free.

Thank you and enjoy!

-Lilith & Samael ♥ :)

MajikVixen (BlueVioletVixen Lorefield)
ਹөƞ ƇƸяתߎɳŋøϟ (joncernunnos)
Owners of ^v^/<|;) (Bats Out Of Hats)

Group Key: 0dceeb4c-62ab-9436-ca6a-5f46106681b4

ASN: #BatsOutOfHats

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  • Full Perm Script

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Just what I was looking for!

Postado(s) 29/10/2021 por Robbey Trefusis 5 estrelas

Excellent! It moves and stops on touch, and there is no rotation on the box, so one side stays in position as it moves. It turns physical though that maybe a problem. I'm making a video and because I'm the only one doing it, I needed an on touch stop/start object mover.

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Moving Box Script

Postado(s) 21/09/2017 por Maye Magic 5 estrelas

This a great script.You could get more than L$5 for it.
Thank you for sharing.



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^v^/<|;) (Bats Out Of Hats)
^v^/<|;) (Bats Out Of Hats)
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Vendido por: MajikVixen Lorefield
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