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Deep Blue Sea designs
Deep Blue Sea designs
Vendido por: Sea Warcliffe
entrou: 15/07/2009

I make original textures, sculpts and mesh for builders: rocks, wreaths, floating islands, trees, plant fields textures and many other organic things. Please come and see how they look in-world.

I make things that I personally find useful, and I hope you do as well. I work hard to make sure that my plant textures work properly on my meshes & sculpts, and vice versa. And I always try to do things in a low prim manner - to give you the most options possible for your builds.


I strive to make unique, interesting things to meet the creative needs of builders and designers here in SL Please do contact me if you are in need of assistance.

Because my builders supplies are full perm, no refunds are granted. But contact me and I will do what I can to resolve any issues.

My meshes, textures and sculpt maps are sold with full permissions, and are meant to

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