Thank you for yours carefully reading notecard and yours personal license of using.
This is FINAL PRODUCT, it is textured, scripted and animated, if you were seeking sculpt maps, look in building section of my store.
Package includes:
- 1 (mod/copy/no transfer) 8 LI Skybox Cathedral w 20 prim temp rezzer;
- 1 (mod/copy/no transfer) 28 LI Skybox Cathedral;
- 1 BONUS (mod/copy/no transfer) 35 LI Wedding Chapel ALM;
- 1 BONUS (mod/copy/no transfer) 44 LI Machinery Chapel ALM;
- read me;
*if items sees no modify in yours inventory it is how SL shows complex permissions of item (inside no modify scripts). Once you rez objects you will see it modify.
This Catherdral or more like Chapel (cause not so big as Cathedral, just name sticks in time to this item) was long time idea of complete building, Building limited to use my sculpts only, as I am not having fun using others models. Improved later with mesh and compressed sculpts (same as sculpt just less rendering cost) .
Original versions are 28 prims Skybox Cathedral, and 8 +20 prims Skybox Cathedral.
First one cost 28 prims from yours land, while second uses 8 prims (and every 1 minute uses temp rez of additional 20 prims), so cost will be 8 prims from yours land,
While I am not big fan of temp rezzers, but building on parcel with low prims give me idea of using own temp rez script that uses native sim temp prims delete, no additional scripts, as well temp parts not contains script so it is as light as possible temp rezzing.
Cathedral uses light candle sound effect, animated fire on candles. animated water in baptistery and holy water fountain in it. Can be disable enable on touch. By default chapel is closed building no one can enters, but owner can click glass on enter and enable access (local chat will say status 0 for close, 1 for open). Depends on that holy water fountain will work or not. If fountain working can pass, if not cannot pass.
Sits using default SL prim sitting points, so can handle as much benches as many people to sit, there are no any animations, or scripts for it. Just using prim memory so whole building stays as low lag as possible. Making low lag items is idea of my store and that is what I am care of in every item.
2 versions Wedding and Machinery Chapel. servers for ground use. That is why both have
Doors and stairs, and well it uses different textures, items positions. Different number of prims. And yeap you having free music playing organ rezzes with Machinery Chapel. (Separate object cost 14 LI, rebuild, and rescripted from original high prim freebie organ. Click notes to start playing. slightly delayed, click again to stop, slightly delayed.)
Doors using smooth opening effect, inside doors settings notecards where you can change allow ownership or allow open for all)
Item is full modify (other then script) and it does not use any special premade textures. You can decorate it with ANY texture you have. Each prim. Thats another reason inside several variations of chapel to show you options.
- Building uses sculpts, it may cause some visual delays till sculpt maps (that formate 3D model) will load. As well depends on SL lags it may stay distorted. It is not property of sculpt maps at all or this object. It is SL behavior and it may cause any random item stay broken. Many third party viewer have button Reload for such cases.
- To position chapel be sure you selected ALL separate parts, then position. Ignore temp parts rezzing wrong. It will updates itself in next minute.
Current item is compilation of full perm items can be purchased in my store.
Wish nice Second Life.
yours NEKKA (Silk Aeon)
- - precision shape, no visible surfaces flickering;
- - LOD friendly, no distortion at distance;
- - ANY regular texture compatible, uses multiface sculpts technology;
- - shine-resistant, ideal metal reflective as at regular prims;
- - ready for personal use.