The ABTech Avatar Script Monitor helps you to reduce the lag on your sim.
It shows information about scripted attachments worn by avatars : Script count, cpu time and memory used.
For each value, you can customize two limits : The warning limit and the alert limit.
Three different operating mode are available :
- Passive Mode :
The monitor displays information about scripts.
- Preventive Mode :
Like in passive mode the monitor displays information about scripts.
It also sends messages to users that exceed limits.
- Active Mode :
Like in preventive mode the monitor displays information about scripts and sends message to users that exceed limits.
It also teleports home users that create too much lag.
You can optionally have the ejected avatars being added to the parcel ban list (for a customizable duration).
You can also prevent group members to be ejected by the monitor
For more information, you will find the feature list below.
- ABTech Avatar Script Monitor : Modify/Copy/No Resell : The 42 prim version of the system that display up to 10 avatars per page.
- ABTech Avatar Script Monitor (18 prims) : Modify/Copy/No Resell : A low prim version of the system (displays 4 users per page)
- ABTech Avatar Script Monitor (6 prims) : Modify/Copy/No Resell : Another low prim version of the system (displays 1 user per page)
- ABTech Land Relay : Modify/Copy/Resell : An optional component to be used on group owned land or on parcels that does not belong to you.
- Scripts are 'No Modify'
- This package contents the full version of the ABTech Avatar Script Monitor. A light version of the monitor also exists (the light version is cheaper but only provide the passive mode).
✔ Easy to use : The board is operated using a dynamic menu for the most common features while the advanced features are set using a documented notecard.
The monitor provided is ready to use : Rez the monitor, choose the mode to use and turn it on using the menu.
✔ You can sort the avatars by script count, time or memory
✔ You can set the speed at which the monitor displays pages (default : 15 second per page)
✔ Colors used to display information are customizable (default : white, yellow for values exceeding the warning limit and red for those exceeding the alert limit)
✔ You can choose to only display the avatars that are near to the monitor (This feature can be convenient in region where there is often many avatars :
Only the avatars that can see the monitor will be displayed but all avatars remain controled). The distance is customizable (default : 50m)
✔ All limits are customizables for each mode (The default values should suit most of the sim)
✔ You can choose which of the values you want to take into account (by default only time and memory are taken into account in preventive and active modes)
✔ You can customize the messages to be sent
✔ You can choose to send message using IM or a dialog windows (by default the warning messages are sent using IM and the alert messages are sent using a dialog windows)
✔ In active mode : You can customize the time given to an avatar before teleport (default : 60s)
✔ In active mode : You can also add the teleported avatars to the ban list (by default this feature is disabled) for a customizable duration (default : 5 minutes)
✔ In active mode : You can prevent group members to be ejected/ban by the monitor (the owner is always protected).
✔ The board gives you statistics about the actions it has done.
✔ You can customize the area to control (by defaut : the whole region)
✔ The monitor can detect avatars wherever they are in the region (it doesn't need to use additional "Probes" or/and Sensors).
You can customize the frequency of the scan (default : 10 seconds).
✔ You can use the ABTech Relays to relay orders on parcel that you dont own (the 'teleport home' and the 'add to ban list' features require land owner powers)
✔ Capacity : 60 Avatars
✔ Prim count : 42 prims for the 10 users per page model, 18 for the 4 users/page model and 6 for the 1 user/page model.
✔ Low lag
- Help you to control the lag on your sim
- Shows information about scripted attachments
- Send messages to users that exceed limits
- Eject users that create too much lag
- Works on any land
Good and Bad
Does a good job of reporting. The Active part of the monitor where doesn't seem to work. Multiple IMs for help to the creator have gone unanswered.
Es de agradecer la nota de configuracion en la que puedes configurar los mensajes en tu idioma, el sistema en general trabaja de forma correcta y precisa.
EXCELLENT! Just what I needed!
Thanks to developer feedback I was able to get this working properly and I want to share with you what the developer told me in hopes this may aid someone else:
"First about the land relay : You don't need to use it unless your land is deeded to a group (group owner). And if you need it, it can be located anywhere.
In the notecard each parameter is fully explained by the lines starting with // (those line are just comment to explain and are not parameters, you will find the relative parameter just after them). But if you have a specific question about 1 of them feel free to ask me for details.
Anyway, whatever your parameters are set to, you should be able to see the names of avatars on your land. So i think you may have changed the controled area (xmin, xmax... at the end of the notecard) and may have done something wrong there. A common error is to think that those parameters are distances from board. In fact they are the real coordinates of the corners of the land to control. By instance if your land start at 25,50 (bottom left corner) and go to 75,100 (top right corner) then you should have :
xmin=25 xmax=124
ymin=50 ymax=100
Well lets try the easiest way :
1-Write down the coord (x,z) of 2 opposite corner of your land (we don't care about the altitude z... no need to write it)
2- put the smaller first number for xmin and the higher one for xmax
3- do the same for the second numbers with ymin and ymax
that should solve your problem"
In edit mode I created a prim and moved it around to get the correct x and y Min/Max coordinates. I used a relay since I have a group assigned to my parcel. The relay can be scaled down and positioned or textured so that it is not visible. Thank you Ales!
Exactly what I was looking for!
Does exactly what the description says. A must-have tool if you own a club or a sim that constantly gets crowded.
Works Very Well
Can do more then most that are a lot more cash and that you get a 6 prim 18 prim and a full size one ...can do better then this one..oh and note..edit it so its not set to full sim if you don't need it that way I kicked almost all off sim lol