WP-ZG5 Grand Blade MK5 "Soryuzan" (蒼龍斬)
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Designed for low-lag, realistic-style combat.
A Grand Blade with superior power, but slower attacks.
2 alternative transforms available. "Cannon Mode" allows long-range combat tactics, and "Liberate Mode" consumes energy to cancels cool-down time, allows user to attack faster, deal more combat damage in less time.
. On/Off Toggle via HUD/sheath
. Realistic combat style, chainable combo attacks
. Safe/unsafe mode available
. Compatible for "Safe mode combat" (GVG v2.22b+)
Non-rez types of combat that allow you combat even in no-build Sims.
. Self-adaptable Prim-Animation Transform (SAPAT) engine embedded.
. N-way Color-changeable via HUD
. Working Weapon + Sheath + Display Weapon *(Small & Large Size)
. HUDs & User guides
. Large size: fits for all Dragon/Gundam avatars from D&D and/or avatars around that height.
. Small size: fits for all Megaman avatars from D&D and/or avatars around that height.
. For other extra large/ extra small avatars, you'll need to use modify permission to fit it in.
All attacks has 5% chance of causing "Gravity" status, which will restrict your opponent’s movement and damages his/her HP (GVGCS)
Some attack (labeled with "*") has another 5% chance of causing "Freeze" status, which will reduce freeze your opponent’s movement
Attack Attribute: C=Cut / I=Impale / B=Beam / a = aqua (weak) / A = aqua (strong)
Relax Stance (LS) = when not holding any button (breaks combo chain, EX-combo chain)
Ready Stance (RS) = Left Mouse button (Hold)
Tactic Stance (TS) = PageDown key (Hold)
Cool down period (CD) = 1.5 second (triggered in the end of normal combo or after using EX-combo)
Normal mode:
(LA): (RS) +Forward (or W Key)
Light Attacks (LA)
Damage (GVG):
17C ->17C ->17C ->17C ->20C ->20C ->20C ->20C ->30C -> (CD)
EN Cost: -4% (builds up energy when attack)
(Liberate mode: 7%)
(HA): (RS) + Backward (S Key)
Heavy Attacks (HA)
30C ->30C ->30C ->40a ->40a ->40a ->50I ->(CD)
EN Cost: -7% (Lib. mode: 7%)
SP Moves:
(SP1): (RS) or (TS) + Shift (Hold) + Left/Right (A/D Key)
Left/Right Strafe
EN Cost: 0%
(SP2): (RS) + PageDown (C key)
Backward Roll. (Evasion Skill) (Instantly breaks Combo chain, EX-Combo chain, and release movement lock)
EN Cost: 5%
(SP3): (RS) + PageUp (E key)
“Stinger” (ZG5) --- auto aiming attack. Detects a target 12m forward, moves to its front and thrust.
If detects nothing, will still moves12m forward.
Damage: 30a* + [fall down]
EN Cost: 10%
Liberate mode is the same as Normal mode, but with (CD) canceled, and interval between each attack is lessen.
(SP4): (TS) + Forward (W Key)
Normal <-> Cannon mode Transformation.
(SP5): (TS) + Backward (S Key)
Normal <-> Liberate mode Transformation.
Cannon Mode:
(RS) (tab) Cannon fire
Distance & Range: 15m & pi*0.15
Damage (GVG):
15a* ->15a* ->15a* ->15a*+15a* -> (CD)
EN Cost: 5%
(RS) (hold after firing) EN-charge
release movement lock after 1.5 sec, can walk around while charing energy
+10% EN per 1.5 second
EX-Combo Skills:
All chainable combo attacks must chain during (RS). If you release (RS), chain will break down, and all LA/HA counter will be reset.
Using ANY SP attack will also resets combo chain.
*(v2.0 EX-combo system does not have auto time out function, which makes the system slightly easier to use)
. 4*LA + 2*HA
= LV1 - "Light Bringer". Full-power beam-edge swipe. Damages up to 2 targets
Damage (GVG): 40B + [Lift Up] ->(CD)
Energy Cost: 25%
. 5*LA + 3*HA
= LV2 - "Amaterasu Wave". A powerful Giga attacks that damages all enemies in range. (Up to 4 targets)
Damage (GVG): 60A + [Blow Away] ->(CD)
Energy Cost: 45%
*D&D* keeps bringing out original and interesting weapons
Another great creation from D&D, a big massive dragon sword with some neat abilities. The creator makes some of the most interesting weapons on SL and this is no exception. Normal, gun and power up modes. Low lag, easy to use, and well scripted. Lower price than many for such wonderful weapons and fun too. Definitely one to get if you are looking for a larger sized blade with special abilities. color change, and animations that match the size of the weapon.
Best Weapon Yet!
*Insert title here* I have 3 other D&D weapons, and this one leaves them in the dust. Beautiful design, animations, etc. Combat wise, it leaves little to be desired. Powerful attacks break down defenses and health quickly, and long range options allow good all around ability. The liberate mode is an amazing back-to-the-wall ability, due to cutting all "cool down time" from the final hit of each combo. In the end, a weapon that I would nigh intantly suggest to any blade lover!