Working Digital Dash, Instrument Dials, Switches and a Monitor Screen.
Altitude HUD. The plane will either automatically rotate and climb or descend and level to the altitude you choose.
The Katana has a new Automatic Landing system with a customizable notecard integrated into the HUD. You can either land at the 30+ airports listed in the HUD or add your own.
Once you choose your destination the plane will automatically descend to that airport. The system controls rate of descent and speed, you simply need to steer the plane left or right.
4 Automatic Take Off modes - Left / Straight long field & short field / Right
Built-in automated wind system.
Selectable wind direction HUD.
Independent rudder control for correcting yaw.
2 Flight modes, Normal mode & Cruise mode
2 Flap modes, normal and fast sink rate.
Articulated flaps and nose gear.
To operate the wind system type "ww" (without parenthesis) in chat and then toggle the wind direction by typing "w" repeatedly until you find the wind direction you want. The wind direction is also shown in chat.
The plane will now fly as though there's a wind force on it. The wind system is active and changes force depending on the plane's orientation to the selected wind direction. If the wind is coming directly at the front of or the back of the plane there will be a change in speed. If the wind is coming towards the plane at a 45 degree angle there will be a moderate change in speed as well as a cross-wind/sideslipping effect. And if the wind is coming directly at the side of the plane there will be a maximum amount of cross-wind/sideslipping effect.
The force of the wind is also affected by the airplane's speed.
Chat Commands:
s - Start & Stop
e or Pg. Up - Acceleration
c or Pg. Dn - De-acceleration
f - Flaps
ff - Flaps for faster descent
a - Auto level
dd - Door
c - Second camera view
cc - Third camera view
fs - Phantom mode - allows you to fly through anything... Just don't fly through SL terrain!
copilot - Typing "copilot" in chat will allow the copilot to control the plane.
pilot - Typing "pilot" in chat will allow the pilot to resume control of the plane.
ww - Wind - starts wind function
w - Toggles wind direction
sl - Strobe lights
bl - Beacon lights
nl - Nav lights
ll - Landing lights
h - Turns hover text on and off, you have to change the speed of the plane for the change to take effect.
z - Heavy Gravity - allows you to fall like a rock, in case you're being pursued or running really long on the approach.
The plane is modifiable and the texture map for the fuselage is included.
See item in Second Life- Airplane has a built-in automated wind system.
- Selectable wind direction HUD with switches
- Automatic Flaps for automatic descent to any airport or location in SL
- Automatic Take Off - 4 Modes Left / Straight long field & short field / Right
- Articulated flaps and nose gear
What a plane!!!!
This plane is PERFECT for dicey flights that you have to maneuver around a lot in!
Another Fantastic Aircraft
This is another fantastic aircraft from the Java stables. I now own three of Java's planes, and intend to buy more. I already had the float version of this aircraft, so I knew it would be very much the same. This version weighs in slightly lighter on the land impact, and of course, has a slightly lower profile.
Detail is high enough to look great, but low enough to avoid huge land impact or texture/object related lag.
Sim crossing is very stable with this, as with other Java creations, and handling is smooth and simple. Just like the float version, the textures are easy to modify with basic knowledge of image editing.
If one day youre fed up with those annoying sim crossing and still wanna cruise around in a plane, then this is the one to buy! always smooth crossing even under the most terrible circumstances.
Cross wind landings in SL!
First of all, I really enjoy flying this Katana around the Blake Sea and has become a favorite in my fleet of SL aircraft. Having flown this in RL, it brings back great memories.
The Diamond Aircraft DA20 Katana used worldwide for basic flight training, largely replacing the aging C150/152’s. The Embry-riddle Aeronautical University along with the USAF academy used these in Initial Flight Screening for all potential USAF Pilots
The X-wind program selectable wind direction HUD emulates and gives the real feel of cross wind landings. You select wind direction related to your landing runway, i.e. straight on, 30%, 45% or 90% cross winds.
This is a Copy/Mod full Mesh so you can customize the look, it comes with the fuselage template so you can add your own texture/graphics.
The creator is very responsive to questions, excellent customer service.
With a few improvements I’d like to see i.e. Navigation Lights, Landing Light, Strobes and/or Anti-Collision beacon light, perhaps a Co-Pilot mode to share with others. I also understand updates to the X-Wind program are likely forthcoming :)
I have flown this great little plane quite a lot in RL and I had to have it in SL. What a good idea I had, buying it. First of all, the model is just beautifully built, the Xwind system works great, finally we have wind effects on flight in SL, what a great plus, and I know it will improve even more as I tried the next airplane, Javatar will release after this one and the Xwind system has already improved, and I know The Katana will receive an update with all those improvements
It flies nicely, quite realistic, sounds nice too. I would have been happy to have copiloting and/or guest mode so I can make others pilots flytest it... I definitely think that Javatar Mocha is a builder I'm gonna keep watching closely...