** Duir House **
A spacious single story, multi level build with arching oak, thick beams, internal and external oak steps, and many unique features. The pleasingly curved frontage, with multiple roofs and bay windows give Duir House a fractal and traditional feel. The main hallway leads into six individual rooms, laid out symmetrically, but with individual qualities.
** Permissions **
Copy and Modify permissions, no transfer. Duir House will show as 'no modify' in your inventory, but this is only due to the kool door scripts, all textures and parts are fully modifiable.
** Size and Land Impact **
Size 54M x 34M Including front steps.
Land Impact is a tiny 54 (prims).
Duir House is rezed in one single block, so can be easily scaled. (remember to check 'stretch textures before scaling).
This Build can comfortably be scaled down to under 50 prims, and still have easy access through the doorways for average sized people.
Please feel welcome to come and view Duir House at our Sim. Or check out the High Resolution pictures on my Flickr Stream...
V2 updated with larger doors, and second version also included with internal doors.
Enjoy :)
this home caught our eyes a few days ago when we visited inworld store Husband and I both loved it and indeed the others that match this one but we were a little unsure weather they would fit in with our plans for the sim platforms. I have now rezzed this in 4 different themes to find out and it looks lovely in all the roof even takes snow texture wonderfully, the internal walls colour without a problem we are delighted to have this one as our new home and we already know the customer service is top class brilliant job Gwyddoin We can't wait to start collecting the others thank you