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GroundCover Flowers v2.4 - Advanced Plant Coverage Emitter(2 prims) - Copy Version Version 2.4 (Copy)

GroundCover Flowers v2.4 - Advanced Plant Coverage Emitter(2 prims) - Copy Version

The GroundCover Flowers creates a field of flowers and/or grass. It has many configurable options, and can also create a field using any texture you want.

Featuring a wide range of options as well as detailed textures, the GroundCover Flowers v2.0 is the new standard in simulated plant coverage.

*This is the copyable version. The Non-Copy version is also available(L$450) on SL Marketplace. See Related Items

This package comes with two emitters. The standard one has all of the commands. The second one(The Mixer) is identical except you cannot set it's flower textures. It mixes all v2.0 flower textures except for the classic v1.7 sweetpeas texture.

Use the standard emitter if you want to generate a flower field of all the same type or use your own custom texture. Use the mixer to create a field that mixes all v2.0 textures.


*All flowers remain for 60 seconds before expiring.

*Caps have been placed on max radius and rate. Max radius has a cap of 30(30 meters). This is because clients can only see particles if their avatar is within approximately 22m of an emitter. So if you're within 22m of an emitter, you'll see flowers covering a 30m radius, but someone standing at 23m from the emitter won't see flowers at all. The rate has a cap of creating one flower every 0.005 seconds(Trust me, any more than that can only be bad).

min radius - Must be less than max radius
max radius - Has a range of 0-30
flowers rate - Has a range of ulimited-0.005(The smaller this number the more flowers)

*The original v1.7 "sweetpeas" texture was left in this version so that owners of the v1.7 wouldn't miss it when using the new v2.0. It's not as high-quality as the v2.0 textures, but it's there if you want it. It's also the default texture for the standard emitter.

*When running, the GroundCover emitter will queue commands until it completes one field cycle. This means it will complete it's current pass of flower creation before executing a command it receives. This won't affect things really, but this is why there may be a delay sometimes between when you state a command and when it executes.

*By default, the GroundCover will project the field on a flat plane around it. It is possible to tilt the axis of the field. If you need to place it on a slope to where the flowers conform to the hillside, you may rotate the GroundCover emitter. To set it back to normal, rotate it back to where the round side is up and the flat side is on the ground.

*As of v2.0, the GroundCover Flowers emitter has been reduced to 2 prims.

*This system does a lot of thinking when active. It's logic paths are simple and require very little processing from the server, but it does them constantly while running. While I've not tested this system extensively for lag, it's very likely to be a contributor. Be forewarned!

*You can only view so many particles, so it's possible that you may not get the full effect in a busy sim with other particle things going on. Typically, you won't see the flowers unless your avatar can see the GroundCover emitter(in terms of range). This means if you fly away, you probably won't see your flower effect until you're back in it again. When using multiple copies, clients will often only load the closest GroundCover emitters in terms of what you see.

*Contact Outy Banjo for any questions or problems with your GroundCover Flowers.

2006, Outy's Particle Paradise, Better Living Through Particles.

This item is also available in-world for purchase at:
Outy's Particle Paradise - Epione (131, 181, 80)
O Scripting - Epione (141, 105, 80)
Outy Banjo Demo Area, SandyBeach West (29, 89, 22)

See item in Second Life
  • Controllable Range and Density
  • 6 Plant Textures Included
  • Set Your Own Custom Texture
  • 2 Prims
  • Full Instructions Included
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 16, 2007 by Anansi Gondwana

Best thing I've done for my landscaping and works as advertised!
The creator was helpful in sorting out a misunderstanding (mine): The box it the Copy version comes in is itself not copyable, but the product inside IS copyable.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 28, 2007 by Harwood Hax

very well done.... GREAT for planters..

exactlly what was descirbed..
a hearty thank you :)

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 25, 2007 by RJaNator Dorance

love this - really adds to a romantic garden

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full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted June 05, 2007 by Thaddeus Ning

I've given up trying to get an actual copyable version of this... Be sure that it is indeed copyable - I bought three different copies of this from version 2.2 through 2.4, and they are all no copy, no transfer. Yes there were some SL bugs. No, I don't have a copyable version.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 30, 2007 by Marko Larsen

Does a great job and looke very real..perfect for those open lots..

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 11, 2007 by Angel Slocombe

Really, Really Really useful and looks amazing.

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