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[Jammin] Old-Fashioned Lanterns - Copy/Mod - 100% Mesh

[Jammin] Old-Fashioned Lanterns  - Copy/Mod - 100% Mesh
[Jammin] Old-Fashioned Lanterns  - Copy/Mod - 100% Mesh
1 Review

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Old-Fashioned metal lanterns, highly detailed, for when Jammin's Moroccan lamps are just too fancy!

Super low land-impact - each lamp is 1 prim, linked. They are quite small (just under 0.5 meters high) but can be scaled up to well over a meter high before the prim count increases.

There are 2 slightly different designs - free-standing and hanging. Chains for hanging these lamps are available as a separate product.

Scripted to turn the lights off and on by touch. The script is easily configurable to adjust light color/settings etc. The 'off color' of the glass is defined within the script, which can be adjusted also.

Texture maps are relatively small (512x512) to save on memory, but pack a lot of detail for their size. The diffuse and specular maps are designed to be easily tintable.

These items take full advantage of advanced materials, using alpha masking on the diffuse map, which eliminates sorting/transparency issues (such as when someone with fancy hair stands in front of it...).

Please see the SL wiki for more information on materials:

Configuring Materials:

Both lanterns ship with a grey metal colour, but can be easily adjusted to any kind of metal. Below are a couple of examples.

Default Grey Metal
Color: White
Glossiness: 40
Environment: 20
Specular Color: White

Color: 174,111,65 (R,G,B)
Glossiness: 75
Environment: 97
Specular Color: 243,193,154 (R,G,B)

Color: 230,157,17
Glossiness: 90
Environment: 115
Specular Color: 249,221,169 (R,G,B)

These are suggestions only, and may require further adjustment to get the desired effect in your chosen lighting conditions.

Configuring the Lights:

The script for controlling the light is relatively straightforward. All lines that can be configured have comments (//orange text) to make it clear. Light color ('vector lightcolor'), intensity('float intensity'), radius ('float radius'), falloff ('float falloff'), glow ('float glow') and color of the glass ('vector offcolor') are all adjustable.

When changing color values, the best way is to use the color picker as normal, then note down the RGB values. Divide these values by 255 to get a number between 0.0 - 1.0. For example, white is 255,255,255 or 1.0,1.0,1.0. Bright red is 255,0,0 or 1.0,0,0.

Please note that if you change the color of the light outside of the script (ie: The usual way in the edit window), it will reset to the script values when you next activate it.

Thanks for visiting Jammin - you won't be disappointed! IM or notecard IvanBenjammin if you have any trouble or questions.

See item in Second Life
  • Standing and Hanging lanterns
  • Low Land-Impact
  • Diffuse, Normal & Specular Maps
  • Customizable Materials
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 23, 2015 by Simian Vortex


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L$ 249

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Jammin - Mesh & Materials
Jammin - Mesh & Materials
Sold by: IvanBenjammin

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh