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Legacy Dance Floor Set 1 -Mesh- Dance Ball Included Version MDF 5.0

Legacy Dance Floor Set 1 -Mesh- Dance Ball Included
Legacy Dance Floor Set 1 -Mesh- Dance Ball Included
6 Reviews


One dance floor.... endless looks.....


1) This dance floor set is a compilation of all the original Club Series Dance Floors 1 that were released separately as legacy builds. Now released as a single mesh dance floor rich with new features, 2 new floor effects & costing only 1 land impact.
2) Mesh Series Dance Floors are an all in 1 Prim club dance floor system with no extra controller or hud to rez or wear to change any effects or colors, so no extra unnecessary scripts to cause lag or extra prims to eat at your Land Impact.
3) Every Mesh Series Dance Floor set comes with 1 square & 1 round dance floor as well as a free mesh dance ball.
4) The dance floor has a multi menu level access control that only the owner will be able to see & be able to set up. So no random guest or club visitor will be able to make changes to the dance floor unless the "owner" changes the access level. Levels of Access include "Owner Only," "Access List," "Group," "Access List + Group," and "Public," The dance floor "Access" is set to "List" by default & only accessible by the owner.
5) This Mesh Series Dance Floor Menu has 8 settings as follows.......
*) Access= Owner can set various levels of user access to the menu choices.
*) Metal Trim= 11 etched metal color schemes.
*) Gem Trim= 11 two toned glitter looking color schemes.
*) Neon Style= Sets the outer trim to 11 various grills and shape designs.
*) Neon Glow= Sets the 11 different color glows to the Neon Trim. Default color glow is lavender.
*) Floor Grid= 29 choices for the top layer of the dance floor.
*) Floor Effect= 8 custom animated floor design effects.
*) Floor Color= 11 color choices for the animated floor effect. Default color is white.
The floor color option was only meant for the first Dance floor set, True Colors, but I am leaving it in the menu because some of the achievable looks actually work pretty well on the colored floor effects that are added on this design.
6) Mesh Series dance floors are modify, so you can always resize if you need one larger than 10 Meters. Maxed to 64M, the square version remains 1 land impact, while the round version will increase to 5 land impact at 64M. It's a Mesh thing on shapes, sorry. but I doubt those sizes will be needed anyway. LOL :)
7) The free dance ball included is modify & copy allowing you to add or remove dances as you like.


1 Prim


Copy / Modify / No Transfer


~ Now viewable in our new Dance Floor Rezzor Vendor located on the second floor of Works Of Wonder right next to the Dance Ball Rezzor Vendor. I know what a pain cycling through hundreds of items in a vendor just to view one or two can be, so I developed this new rezzor to simplify the search. Only dance floors will be represented in this vendor and one will always be rezzed to view. To view any others and check out the looks and effects, simply cycle through the choices and click on the rez button when you see one of interest...... Happy Dancing

1) Your box may show up with any combinations of permissions on receipt, but the actual item inside will be as advertised
2) Mesh Series Dance Floors replace the older Legacy prim versions & give you many extra design choices on a "Single" dance floor.
3) Mesh Series Dance Floors are basically "mini" Excelsior Dance floors with less floor effects and a few minor changes to the menu. You will get many looks from one dance floor for variety, so any Mesh Series Dance Floor will be a nice demo to the Excelsior, although they will all stand on their own as released. The Excelsior is still a pretty big investment for most and really should be seen and tested in-world I think. The biggest change to the menu is there will be less animated floor designs and there are no animated trims on the Mesh Series Dance Floor.
4) I suggest always keeping a copy of the original product (if it was copy) in case you unlink and make a change wrong, just so you can always start over with a fresh copy.
5) You must have land to rez this item in world.

WORKS OF WONDER - 5 years and still here trying to add a bit of magic & wonderment to all the awesome people in the Second Life community. It has truly been an amazing adventure for me and I owe it all to all the great friends and customers I have met here over the years. I have truly been blessed and will continue to try to create unique and special items that I hope all will get a bit of enjoyment out of.

As always I truly hope that you enjoy the products that you have purchased from us & will continue to come back to visit us in the future. Also feel free to send me a note-card about any questions or issues you may have, I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can, just remember we all have a real life.... Well, I don't but I do get busy. LOL



See item in Second Life
  • 1 Prim easy set up Mesh Dance Floor using just 1 low lag script for many looks
  • Multi Access levels set by the owner to allow floor control & design if desired
  • Mesh Series Dance Floors set to unique & free channels to use as many as needed
  • Free Mesh Dance Ball from the new Club Series included with every Dance Floor
  • Need a home, dance pole or podium? Maybe a dance floor or ball? Visit WOW today!
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 16, 2019 by Rah Rehula

I saw this dance floor at a small club I was in a few weeks ago and fell in love.
Don't normally purchase anything without full perms so was hesitant. So happy I did!
The scripts are not modifiable in case anyone wonders on that...

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Freaking cool
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 04, 2018 by Indeee

I wasnt expecting much with this dance floor compared to what I have picked up lately but it turned out to be pretty cool and it actually had a decent dance ball included. Its sweet and simple and really 1 prim and its easy to use. Great job and keep up with the cool items. How about making a cool functional ship with living spaces? I'll definitely buy it. Thanks

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L$ 399

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Works Of Wonder
Works Of Wonder
Sold by: Connor71

Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
See product details for permissions info
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 1