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<MTR> Throw Rocks

<MTR> Throw Rocks

The <MTR> Throw Rocks is part of our role playing combat system.

You need to be wearing a <MTR> HUD, to use the <MTR> Throw Rocks. Free <MTR> HUDs are available inworld.

*Unlimited rocks (firing rocks use up SP)
*Realistic slingshot animation
*Blood particles upon hitting an avatar.
*Rocks leave smoke trails
*Kills <MTR> animals, monsters, and avatars with <MTR> HUDs

How to Use:
1. Find the <MTR> Throw Rocks in your inventory. Mostly likely, it will be in a folder labels <MTR>.
2. Rightclick/wear the <MTR> Throw Rocks
3. Click MENU on the <MTR> HUD, and choose Activate in the list.
4. Scroll forward on your mouse all the way to go into Mouselook to fire the weapon.
5. Leftclick to fire while in Mouselook.

Your stamina, or SP, will go down as you fire your weapon. When you are out of SP, you are out of bullets. You can also purchase ammo huds for fast reloads.

See item in Second Life View Video »
  • Part of the <MTR> Role Play Combat System
  • Unlimited rocks
  • Blood particles upon hitting an avatar
  • Particle trails are left by rocks
  • Motion capture Throw animation
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I say first. The selling method here is fraudulent commercial law. I bought a product here, went to an in-world store and went to see a free HUD ... but there is no such free HUD anywhere!
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted August 02, 2022 by aikoberryx2

There was an object in the photo of the product that shows the free HUD ...
No matter how many times I clicked or searched, there was no free HUD in the in-world store.
There was only a paid 775L $ billing HUD.
So I thought it was strange and asked the owner of the store by IM, but the owner was silent and there was no reply from the owner.

Maybe it's a scam to say, "I have a free HUD on the marketplace, so buy my item."
The good proof is that there was no reply from the owner.
The owner is a hungry person who thinks it's okay.

There is a free HUD, so come to the in-world store, which is a trap to get customers to come in-world and buy a billing HUD!

Don't hesitate to buy a billing HUD
It doesn't matter who you are, but don't buy anything here in the hope of a free HUD!

I will say it again. There is no free HUD in the in-world store!
Thank you for taking a look at my review.

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