Big Brother is always watching. Middle Brother is watching at some times... they just don't know when...
Put our "Middle Brother" Surveillance System in your office, then take a seat in front of the monitor. In a few sec it comes to life. Touch its screen and preset views will scroll with a configurable frequency on your SL viewer screen. Stop the scroll at any time to see what's going on in a dark corner...
The easy-setup "Middle Brother-2" would let you add or modify camera positions literally in seconds. There are no numbers to enter! Just touch for menu, click, position the cam with controls up to as far as your viewer allows, and save... click, position the next one and save... As easy as that!
Ideal for clubs, large stores, malls and open air markets.
Of course you can get same views via your own camera controls but by the time you move your cam 50 meters forward, 20 meters left and 5 meters up to that dark corner, no one might be there any longer. Besides, you are not a person to idly move your cam around your premises while you could be doing something more productive. So let the views scroll and you are never out of the loop while writing an ad for your next sale or posting a new item in the Marketplace.
There is also a mobile laptop version which can be either rezzed or attached (see related items).
And there is "Spy'n Pose-2" easy setup Mirror, which is a similar product intended for home use and stores' dressing rooms (see related items).
Click "See Item in Second Life" link below, to try out this product in-world. There is a demo in my office. To get there, go to the 3rd floor and touch the door by the Contest Board. You can buy it there too.
- Low lag, listens/timers removed when menus are not in use.
- Up to 100 views displayable via on touch dynamic alphabetical menu.
- Auto-scroll with configurable frequency.
- Store views via on touch menus. No numerical configuration required.
- Add/delete/modify views via on touch menus.
- Notecard views backup.
- Set access to a list of users, group, or everyone.
- Deedable to groups.
- Scripts may be moved into your own either single- or multi-prim object.
- Easy no-numbers setup!
- Up to 100 views via on-touch menu.
- Auto-scroll with configurable frequency
- Access by all/group/individual users
- Low lag, no listens/timers when menus not used.