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TARDIS-B Version : see Contents



*Use Redeliver to upgrade.*

Looking for a way to make your arrival or departure in style? Just wear or rez the TARDIS and teleport to your chosen destination.

The TARDIS is able to teleport you to multiple landmark and regional destinations. It has 5 modes of travel. All models can be used as follows:
1. Wear & Go - this is the simplest way to travel requiring no preparation.
2. Rez & Ride in-region
• NC - TP to a maximum of 9 notecard user-defined destinations.
• TB - TP to textbox user-input co-ordinates (X,Y,Z).
• AV - pursue a selected avatar.
3. Rez & Ride to landmark - TP to a maximum of 9 landmarks. The TARDIS will dematerialise at its original location after teleporting you.
4. Rez, Ride & Wear - TP to landmark, followed automatically by worn attachment after arrival.
5. Rez & Ride Manual - ride as vehicle in physical mode, allowing the crossing of sim boundaries.

When you are ready to make your exit, you simply wear or rez your TARDIS. If you choose to rez, open the door and sit on the bench. At this point you are offered your menu of customised destinations, and on selection the launch sequence is initiated. After 5 seconds the door will close automatically and you will be transported to your chosen destination.

For in-region travel, you may choose to keep your TARDIS rezzed and use it as a regular rapid transport aid. For landmark destination travel, you will be transported and arrive without your TARDIS (mode 3) or with your 'autowear' TARDIS (mode 4). Meanwhile, back at your original location, amazed spectators will see the TARDIS fade and dematerialise (actually, self-destruct) in a shower of particles, or in the case of TARDIS-A, optionally rematerialise having done its job.

After a significant advance in the repair of the chameleon circuit, the TARDIS now has 3 main models, A, B, & C, each of which has 2 different 'plasmic shells' (see also Related Items below):
* TARDIS-A can appear as a garden shed or an arbour.
* TARDIS-B can appear as a police box, in either dark or light blue livery.
* TARDIS-C can appear as the TTC default cylinder or a classical stone column.

All models now have the new 60th anniversary console design, and model-B has matching porch, and external livery option.

All TARDIS models are scalable, and for convenience two scales are provided for model B:
RL - true-to-life version (base 1.535m x 1.535m) which some may prefer for accuracy.
SL - original oversized version (125%) which some may feel more convenient for SL.
Note that land impact is affected by scaling, but is irrelevant when the TARDIS is used in worn mode.

Special Edition models are available for special occasions or limited periods and are provided with only one plasmic shell.

To make full use of the chameleon circuit, you will also need the Sonic Screwdriver or Sonic Sunglasses (see below). which enable any of your purchased models to transform into each other, while preserving all appearance settings.

The TARDIS comes with:
+ genuine sound effects (landing, door sounds, take-off, internal hum, cloister bell)
+ a choice of 11 interior designs (editable), taken from the post-millennium BBC TV series
+ optional random particle effects
+ optional 'materialise-on-rez'
+ optional pilot animation
+ local weather control effects

Settings are selected from menus. Control is restricted to the owner. The object has modify & copy permissions, and the scripts have copy permission in order to preserve object copy permission on re-saving.

  • landmark & regional transport
  • multiple destinations
  • genuine sound effects
  • 11 interior designs
  • menu & manual control
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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A fun Tardis
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 04, 2019 by MischiefFae

This is a fun low prim Tardis. I like that you can change the interior and the cost is good.

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