OnP Vs. 2 Security System- More Owner perms -License- Added Visitors option
RECENT: More Memory - Allows bigger lists
We updated this item to include new features that we wish, since we also use this security system. It is more powerful and fixes some bugs in the previous version, but has the same price. We love it. We believe it is a good solution for those who use group owned land, or if privately owned, a small number of yes users, 10 or so. And yes, a renter option is included.
License: This item gives both copy and transfer permissions to make a number of usages possible for the buyer. However, by purchasing this item the buyer agrees to only use it for their own purposes or their own groups and not to sell or transfer it to others. Of course if you add a group or change a group, that is also fine, as long as usage is under your control.
* Copy = Yes
* Transfer Deed to Group = Yes
* Use with Renters = Yes
* Has "Visitors When Home" software option making visitors easier in some cases
Visitors When Home Software Option - Have you ever been invited somewhere and had the renter or new land owner person fooling with their security system to temporarily add you to their "yes" list, and perhaps you get evicted once or twice in the process? Perhaps that only happens to us. This software option is for those who when a "yes" allowed person is on that parcel of land, any visitor not on the "no" list can visit.
* 2 Software versions - one NORMAL and one VISITORS WHEN HOME
* Four versions of suggested list note card formats
* Some useable Objects included to put software and lists into. We do not preinstall notecard lists (should be put in first) and software since 2 software versions and 4 list type versions. And yes of course, if you wish to save prims, just put the notecard list and the software in a centralized item that has no other software or note cards.
GROUP OPTION? - Yes, and needed if the land is owned by a group. Only the owner of the object with software inside can evict as an object. And so if it is privately owned, then the real owner can own the object doing the evicting. If group owned, then the object doing the evicting must be group owned in order to evict. And yes, you can deed the objects to group if the land is group owned.
RANGE SET: Yes, even on your same land you can have different security systems and rules since you can set a range to watch for intruders. Therefore you could have one system for your club, another for your home, another for your workshop - easier of course if some are skyboxes with a distance from each other.
GROUP OPTION - All in the group wearing the proper group name tag are ALWAYS allowed. To stop someone from using the area, you would need to evict them from the group. The software will warn the person to wear the proper name tag if you choose the group type lists or change the eviction message to warn of group tags.
NORMAL: You can set the security software for checking a "yes" list if you only have maybe 10 or so people using the property (or use the group option for more) and wish to list them. You could also set the software for checking a "no" list which means all can use the land except those on the no list. Again, we suggest perhaps no more than 10 or 20 people on the no list due to memory needs.
VISITORS WHEN HOME - This is the other software version that allows any visitor to be in that range area if a proper yes person is there.
* PRIVATELY OWNED LAND -put their name on the notecard as a renter
* GROUP OWNED LAND - Either put their name on the notecard as a renter, or allow them a group tag
* Note on Group Renters - putting the renter name on a group renters object is more restrictive (but more work) since it only allows THAT area within range to be controlled by them. If using a group tag, then that person would have access to any security system on your group owned same land - if they can get to those other locations.
Yes Lists versus No Lists
Our "Normal" version software (instead of Visitors allowed type) does give a choice of using the yes list or the no list. However, we cannot think of a situation where a person would rather use the no list instead of the yes list. The reason is that if land is owned by you or a group, you can always set the ban list on the overall land to ban anyone from your land ... and that of course would work similarly to using a separate no list.
Hope You Enjoy! -
and yes, we use this product ourselves. We use group owned and also the "Visitors when Home" option for most places since we do not wish to keep adjusting "yes" lists for visitors.
Hunter Bronet for OnP Owl and Pussycat
In SL Tissela and on SL Marketplace
- Can Work on Privately or Group owned land
- Set many adjustments as owner
- renter possibilities for both private and group
- single prim use make it zero and use an existing prim
- also includes separate traffic avatar counter